
DobieStation Git (2020/03/21)

DobieStation Git (2020/03/21) is compiled. A young PS2 emulator with plans for an optimized Android port, as well as a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use PC port. A large portion of the PS2's library can boot or get to menus. Some titles can even go in-game, including high-profile ones such as Final Fantasy X and Shadow of the Colossus. Not intended for general use.

DobieStation Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #336 from PSI-Rockin/iop_intc
* Include missing header
* IOP INTC: Fully decouple interrupt logic from Emulator
* IOP INTC: Organize interrupt logic into a separate class

Download: DobieStation Git (2020/03/21)
Source: Here


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