
DobieStation Git (2020/06/06)

DobieStation Git (2020/06/06) is compiled. A young PS2 emulator with plans for an optimized Android port, as well as a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use PC port. A large portion of the PS2's library can boot or get to menus. Some titles can even go in-game, including high-profile ones such as Final Fantasy X and Shadow of the Colossus. Not intended for general use.

DobieStation Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #246 from PSI-Rockin/memcards
* Qt: Fill unformatted memory cards with 0xFF
* Qt: Change title of memcard window
* Qt: Allow users to create unformatted cards
* Memcard: Make specs slightly less hardcoded
* VS: Mac bad
* VS: More typo
* VS: Typo
* VS: Attempt to fix build
* Merge pull request #400 from tadanokojin/vs-project-update
* vs: add support for ui files
* vs: core project fixes
* vs: move core project to core source directory
* vs: move qt project to qt source directory
* vs: remove whitespace from qt project
* qmake: Fix formatting
* Merge branch 'master' into memcards
* Memcard: Fix terminator accidentally being reset on transfers
* Try to fix build
* Qt: Add basic UI for accessing a memcard
* Memcard: Flush dirty contents to a file every frame
* Merge branch 'master' into memcards
* Merge branch 'memcards' of https://github.com/PSI-Rockin/DobieStation into memcards
* Add missing header
* Memcard: Implement write and erase operations
* Memcard: Implement authentication and reads
* Memcard: Set up framework
* Add missing header
* Memcard: Implement write and erase operations
* Memcard: Implement authentication and reads
* Memcard: Set up framework

Download: DobieStation Git (2020/06/06)
Source: Here


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