
FB Neo Git (2020/07/08)

EmuCR: FB AlphaFB Neo Git (2020/07/08) is complied. FinalBurn Neo is an Emulator for Arcade Games & Select Consoles. It is based on the emulators FinalBurn and old versions of MAME.

FB Neo Git Changelog:
* megadrive update from Gab75
* dooyong: fix pollux, gulf storm, the last day, these games need 4 timers for sfx+music to operate properly
* burntimer: support up to 8 timers
* whatsnew small update
* Merge pull request #397 from arcadez2003/patch-12
* Added IGMO's color prom, palette is now correct [Andrew Welburn, Crai… …g Anstett]
* (nw) fix copy/paste error
* (nw) oops forgot this
* (nw) d_cps1.cpp: rename program roms for 3wondersha
* nes, update from below
* (nw) d_cps1: Update some cps1 hacks and cleaning up a bit hacks section [taoenwen]
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/finalburnneo/FBNeo
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/finalburnneo/FBNeo
* (nw) Update umk3uc to 2020-07-03 version [taoenwen]
* bradley
* ptd oob
* less silly

Download: FB Neo Git (2020/07/08) x64
Source: Here


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