
Xenia Git (2022/06/20)

EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2022/06/20) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Git Changelog:
* [GPU] Separate range arguments for fixed16 RG and RGBA in GetResolveInfo
* [Vulkan] Don't require an explicit uint64_t cast for SetDeviceObjectName
* [Vulkan] Explain why CreateShaderModule takes uint32_t* [ci skip]
* [GPU] Make resolve EDRAM binding DS 0 and rename it
* [GPU] XeSL resolve shaders + host depth store width fix

Xenia Git (2022/06/20) : 1cloudfile 1fichier bayfiles megaup mixdrop pixeldrain uptobox zippyshare
Source: Here


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