
Any Suggestions for EmuCR.com?

EmuCR.comWe're fielding suggestions for EmuCR.com If you've had an idea for the site, let us know here.

Anything we can be doing better at?
Any features you'd like to see added to the site?
Not enough forum categories? If not what should we add?
Any glitches/bugs etc wrong with the site?
News not being posted fast enough?
Not enough news being posted? Too much being posted?
Not enough forum moderation? Too much moderation?

These are just a few examples, we're really looking for things we haven't thought of that you guys would like here.


  1. The only two things i can come up with are:

    1. A proper forum.
    2. A proper download section for the emulators.

    Weather you do end up ever implementing these or not, I just want to say that I appreciate this site very much and it has become my first go-to site for emulator news.

    Thank you Nichole and have a nice day.

  2. Everything is fine by me.

  3. It is THE best site for emulation. Only thing i would like to see is maybe regular dxbx svn's (altough you already compile official revisions). Otherwise, i realy couldn't ask for more. Thank you.

  4. Please give news credit when you copy news from other Emulation sites!

  5. Everything is fine, thank you!

    Perhaps some lovely pictures of the lovely staff.

  6. -New UI

    -Restrict commenting / forums to members. This will allow for moderation.

    -Reward system like trophies/emblems for accomplishments and contributions.

    -Better member profile pages.

    -More stream line "Categories"


    Super Nintendo
    Nintendo 64
    Game Cube
    GameBoy Advance
    Master System

  7. My Suggestion...

    I want Marry with Nichole. because I love her and want her well.


  8. meening ootake = tubro grafx 16, not "other"
    and just a more complete catagory list.

    Please moderate the moron Amos who obviously can't say anything constructive (ever) other then hit on staff.

  10. On projects that see a lot releases/revisions, the comments tend to get scattered all over the place. Unifying the comments system so that each emulator has only a single comments thread, but only displaying the newest posts by default, would be much more optimal.

    Also, selecting "Google account" and clicking Post Comment immediately doesn't work.

  11. - Check SVN compilation (if is yours, not "lending"). Sometimes, press button "compile" is not enough;P
    - If author of programs said - "Don't compile it" - don't compile it - (vide broken compilation of desmuse 0.9.7 branch).
    - Credits when You copy news from other side (it's normal and don't hurt)
    - Do u use anything from stuff, which you anounced? Or are U like borning, repatly text from emu's info? Sometimes try to write something more.
    - Little glitches in comment (inframe is too short and some peoples don't see captha on bottom of formular).

  12. there should be a dummy account on every forum where the code or the compilations of the emulators are made, for example all the accounts named emucr feedback or emucr fedbak or whatever so if one of us says for example "on this compilation (xxxxx) the error pops out while i play zzzzzz the error says errorcode ggggggg.
    so we dont have to look over the official site create an account and post the issue every time. we post it here and someone or a script copy and paste all the comments with that dummy account on every official forum for every emulator or program. that would be helpful. also in every category a date of new files added. for example if under nintendo 64 the 11/11/2005 (a random date) was the last time a emulator or whatever was added has the date of updated every category. so if i downloaded the latest emulator or whatever the 11/11/2005 i dont need to enter twice a day to see if anything new was added since sometimes so much stuff its added the home page with the news gets overloaded and does not appear everything.

  13. I love this site and the only thing i would change was a correction in the "source" link which sometimes doesnt point to the real place.
    I am talking about the page where the download is available, NOT linking to the file itself.
    Latest BGB emulator - link is correct.
    Latest Ootake emulator - link is correct
    Latest Desmume SVN - Where are the SVN builds?
    Latest Dolphin - Where are the SVN builds?

    Thanks Nichole and everyone involved.
    --- G.E.R.---

  14. All fine for me~! Tks

  15. I think the things that need to be improved:

    1.) Make a limit only members that can do comment and if the comment is not helpful and have any kind of scams and stupid comments remove that member account and not allow that member to become a member again and post stupid comments again.

    2.) Make a compile svn program number the same number as the svn program number posted on the news.

    Other than that, the other things already good enough and simple to navigate, keep the good job and thanks.

  16. Hello. I want to see pages quantity in consoles categories, not only "Next page, Previous page", I want to see how many pages there are and to be able to choose one from them, something like this -
    previous page 1, 2, 3, 4 (current page) 5, 6, 7... next page

    And maybe some convenient sorting by the name or the date.

    Thank you.

  17. #14

    Lots of svn builds are made by myself, for example Desmume、Dolphin and PCSX2 and so on. The "source" link is source code site.

  18. NO SPYWARE!!!, antivir always detect spyware when i load the page :(

  19. Thanks everyone's suggestion. Please give me time to improve EmuCR.com.

    Thank you :)

  20. Best emulation page!

    Need three main category: Emulation On Console, Emulation On PC, Utilities. Very much people not interested in Emulation on console so easier for browsing the PConly things. The main page should be divided for this three section.

  21. I'd like to see direct download access.
    If you read the website from the RSS feed, you have direct access to the download files without having to open the site in the browser.
    When I make my daily rounds I literally have hundreds of open tabs because each link from the RSS opens a new tab.

  22. This is best emulator site ever.

  23. Love all the work.

    We would love to see plugins for xbmc.



  24. We Just need a Chat room and Even Like to have a Chat With the Admins too....Using Live chat we can share more experiences....

  25. Reach me at vivek@blackvirus.net
    www.BlackVirus.net...I also like to work with Emucr.com and Like to be Part of it...

  26. Put a game revision of the week or let people vote on whats the best to download, that works and is stable.

  27. We need extensive emulator compatability list as they are very incomplete around the net. dolphin would be my first example.

  28. Nichole:

    Sorry, I didnt know you were the one that made the svn compilations. So thanks for them as well :)

    #14 (G.E.R.)

  29. Very Good site but i think what emulation of NAOMI is a small forgot ..
    Best regards !

  30. - No more invasive ads banner
    - Tools and frontend category
    - Sort the news by date

    For the rest all perfect :-D

  31. why no new news but only this suggestion topic on top for days ???

  32. Expand into compiling the lastest SVNs of open source games!

  33. download game section xD

  34. If you want me to compile any SVN builds, you'd better supply the open source code site.


  35. There is a problem with the comment box, sometimes the captcha dont show or the "send comment" option doesnt appear.
    It took me 3 tries to post this, please try to fix it.
    PS: It happens with both IE8 and Firefox

  36. Ok, just delete my comments and the news you posted without credits. Very childish!!

  37. My favorite site which holds emulators and news.

  38. yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhh

  39. News pages should have both dates and time stamps. I don't come here daily either. It is hard to figure out which is recent and not. :(

    Also, how about only posting major updates and not daily builds?

  40. Also, get rid of trolls and spammers like in earlier comments.

  41. tutorials? expand the forums? and don't quit.

  42. Maybe separate beta versions and stables versions of émulators.

  43. Also, how about only posting major updates and not daily builds?

    second this

  44. Congratulations on your page. My recommendations for further improving the site are;

    * to post the emulators and programs also place the link author's page
    * complaints or defects or critical determinants on emulators and programs made available to the author or creator. Example: dreamcast emulator problem with the two dll NullDC
    * well organized everything the category / section
    * place a translation section for patches games / roms / programs, etc. ..
    * if you could place a section of isos

    It's all and thank you for this opportunity to listen to users. excuse my English not very good

  45. "NO SPYWARE!!!, antivir always detect spyware when i load the page :("

    Get antivirus software that doesn't suck.

  46. Nichole/Jei,
    You should do interview with J of PJ64 who has decided to leave the project(possibly on a sour note).

    This is big news in the N64 emulation scene and everyone wants to know the inside story from J and/or Z.

  47. Needs emulator categories inside of the system categories.

    Missing Virtual Boy category.

  48. remove the amonymous commentary, please

  49. Disable the anonymous Comments, really, please check the site situation

  50. Dear EMUCR team,

    I find it hard to find official builds of emulators on this site.
    The only options I could detect so far is to display all versions of an emulator e.g. all versions of PCSX2 but I could not just search for the official builds of PCSX2. Sure I can always go to the source page but this would defeat the purpose of the idea this site is representing. A consolidated point for (almost) all emulators across the net.

    Thank you for your work so far!

    Best regards


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