
PCSX2 SVN r4335

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4335 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
- Fix a duplicated "Open in Explorer" button in standard install mode.
GSDX: Fixed broken window title info (native resolution, deinterlace mode).
GSdx: The revision makes every super robot taisen game look perfect! Just joking :P But I tested OG and Alpha 3, and didn't notice anything terribly bad till the beginning of the first battle stage.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4335
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [09 August 2010]
Source: Here


  1. Good job on getting this out ASAP! Gabest is back guys! The best graphic plugin for pcsx2. ALL HAIL GABEST! ^^

  2. Thanks Nichole my delicious!

  3. Габест вернулся, но это н значит, что работа будет бежать. Видеоплагин конечно же движеться и я это потвеждаю, но проц так и не сдвинулся.

  4. Thanks a lot guys=)

  5. What ever you guys did it fixed my persona 3 and 4 issues i think, and i agree with amos, delicious, mmm

  6. самое ужасное что приходется в potable режиме работать а править ini чтобы все нормально работало (

  7. да.... самая большая проблема этого эмулятора-видеоплагин. от него то и нагрузочка та и тдёт на железо. Проц они стабилизировали уже неплохо, а теперь лучше б видеоплагинеом бы занялись в серьёз, а не ревизии эмуляторов делали. Только палки в колёса себе же ставят

  8. ye its great... super robot taisen has always the black borders in the backgrounq while a battle <<

  9. Is there any forum where i can report a bug?

  10. @hARhAR
    ya tvoi mama ebal

  11. Znachit ty moi otec! Pochemu alimenty ne platish?!

  12. @#16
    sorry, not interested in your mom at this time, but you can try asking me again in a weeks time and ill get back to ya :).

  13. @#17
    Then don't waste my time since you are obviously just all-talk and no money, you penniless bum.

    I can set you up with my little brother - you two would get along. He too likes butt-in ("butt", heh) in other people's business and that's why I'm whoring him out on the internet. How about you also work for me? At least you'll have something better to do than staking out old boards with perverts. I pay handsomely ulike that bum over there.

  14. @#19 lol i can care less what you think of my financial status in that little peanut head of yours. you seem to like talking about "penniless" alot, seems to me like your just lashing out at random people online to cover up your own miserable fail you call a life.

  15. You keep contradicting yourself. If you truly didn't care - you wouldn't reply. Also the one who keeps lashing out is you while I am simply trying to do business. I can see where your lack of fortune comes from - you can't even count (I only said "penniless" once). So I've got a great deal just for you! I will sell you all of my little brother's textbooks at bargain + private lessons with my tranny mother as a bonus. Stick with me and I'll show you the path to success!


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