
JoySens for 6.XX

EmuCR: JoySensJoySens for 6.XX is released by neur0n. JoySens is a handy homebrew plugin that allows you to tweak the sensitivity of the PSP's analog stick according to your personal taste.

How to install

Just unzip the archive to your memory stick root. You may delete the Readme.txt and FAQ.txt if you so want.

Hard reboot your PSP into recovery menu (hold R Trigger during startup) or start from VSH if you have the proper
recovery menu plugin installed and enable the joysens or joysens_lite plugin. Done.

If you get a message about overwriting a .txt file (you already have other plugins installed) tell not to
overwrite and manually edit the following files in your ms0:/SEPLUGINS/ folder by appending the line
'ms0:/SEPLUGINS/joysens.prx' and/or 'ms0:/SEPLUGINS/joysens_lite.prx' (without quotes):
- game.txt for UMD games and homebrew loaded from GAMEyxx folder (or GAME folder in y.xx kernel mode)
- game150.txt for homebrew loaded from the GAME150 folder (or GAME folder in 1.5 kernel mode)
- pops.txt for games played with POPS
- vsh.txt for VSH/XMB

If you're running 3.71 custom firmware you're pretty much out of luck - the plugin will only work with 1.5 kernel addon
in game150 mode. Upgrade to a newer custom firmware >= 3.80, which includes a NID mapper, that allows
plugins to work no matter if function NIDs were changed in the official firmware.

Download: JoySens for 6.XX
Source: Here


  1. In quali cartelle devo scompattare l'archivio rar?


  2. dj , this worked in xmp menu only son, and its wont work in games,internet !
    are you sure this is right cause my little fuckin brother was playing (fifa street 2) and somehow it has stop moving kid '
    now' this dog wont stop crying hhhooh"
    and yo my cfw is fuckin 6.60pro fuckin b9 !

    ps3 and psp network id(blackholebird17)

  3. the file has been deleted ,son of bith need some ass?

  4. thank UUUUUUUUU my psp analog works after this omg

  5. None of the download links are working. 02/09/2016


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