
PCSX2 SVN r4470

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4470 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
* update the i18n pot script to also compile locale
* Upload some languages, then update everythings

Translator note: I plan to updload translation every 2/3 weeks. It does not worth it for very few string changes. Tell me if you prefer more frequent update
Committing changes to the MSVC 2010 build system as posted in issue #977.
Thanks for this nice patch, debian.micove :)
MCD manager: console print fix when creating a card without assigning it to a slot.
Adding avih to the list of coders and a special mention for Jake :p
Minor change:
Removed unused items from the menus (patches and some debug items). Those will be implemented later.
Various console log changes. Made it a bit more colorful, too :)

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4470
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [09 August 2010]
Source: Here


  1. thanks , whoever say this emu is good sucks btw

  2. no u lol.

    Fact: PCSX2 is the best PS2 emulator available.

    Fact: The level of precision technology used in modern consoles is even more complex than previous generations and does not lend itself well to the x86 architecture.

    Fact: If you think PCSX2 emulation is slow to work perfectly on any idiot's computer, why don't you try XBox emulation, or wait and see how long it takes to do 360 and PS3 emulation.

    After the Bleem crisis with the PS1 I think it's fair to say Sony have no interest in making their architecture easy to emulate on the PC platform.

    Think before you allow you verbal diarrhoea to spew forth so recklessly from your gob.

  3. if only the veterans from epsxe & Pete Bernet gives a helping hand on this pcsx2 project....

  4. Xbox emulation is technically easier since the xbox's processor is essentially a Pentium 3. The hard part is trying to emulate the GPU.

  5. 1)"PCSX2 is the best PS2 emulator available."

    No, it's simply the only working emulator available. This monopoly made developers lazy and arrogant.

    2)"The level of precision technology used in modern consoles is even more complex than previous generations and does not lend itself well to the x86 architecture."

    You don't know what you are talking about so I'm gonna make it simple just for you. First of all, ps2 IS NOT a modern console, it is an obsolete 10 year old machine. Sure, it has a 128-bit CPU (which doesn't mean much but noobs are easily impressed), but remeber N64 with its 64-bit CPU. PCs at the time were not advanced as they now, but as it tuned out, N64 "complex technology" emulated just fine. When it comes down to that, pcsx2 has long passed the stage of emulating the basic ps2 components and its lack of progress is because of people, not technology.

    3)"Fact: If you think PCSX2 emulation is slow to work perfectly on any idiot's computer, why don't you try XBox emulation, or wait and see how long it takes to do 360 and PS3 emulation.

    After the Bleem crisis with the PS1 I think it's fair to say Sony have no interest in making their architecture easy to emulate on the PC platform."

    There is no "PC technology" and "console technology" (lets throw Mac in here too) as they are the same thing and work on the same principles, therefore there is simly only "technology". If it wasn't the same, the emulation would be impossible. Console manufacturers can take all precautions the want but in the end it will all come down to a few extra lines in the emu code. Let's just hope that devs unrelated to pcsx2 will take up the project or we'll be wating forever.

    4)"Think before you allow you verbal diarrhoea to spew forth so recklessly from your gob."

    You really should take your own advice.

  6. I think the bus is 128 bits
    Finally it mean anything last generation graphics card as the GTX 580 has a 512 bit bus
    otherwise very well done I moved trourner all games without worries hd i5 750 with 4.2 GHz and an HD 5970 (cf disable
    some minor delays of one second time but not annoying

  7. oups bus memory 384-bit for the 580 gtx ...

  8. Actually Emotion Engine is a 64 bit CPU, not 128. But Sony marketed PS2 as a 128-bit console to point out its superiority to previos generation.

  9. #7
    Have you already thought about why there isn't any competition on PS2 emulation? Which reason you think is more likely:

    1 - PS2 simply isn't as cool as SNES or PS1.
    2 - Sony secretly killed most that have tried.
    3 - A correct and efficient PS2 emu is hard to code.

    Humm? Plus, YOU could always start to code YOUR PS2 emulator... so that WE could bitch about it!

    I bet you gonna love it!!!

  10. "1 - PS2 simply isn't as cool as SNES or PS1."

    Indeed, I personally prefer oldschool jrpgs to modern actions and shooters.

    "2 - Sony secretly killed most that have tried."

    You clearly don't follow the news much. While no one has been assasinated so far, Sony relentlessly pursues the matter legaly. Emulation developers are heavily prosecuted as pirates (and yet they hired those "criminals" to work on ps3 - hypocrites) and face serious charges.

    "3 - A correct and efficient PS2 emu is hard to code."

    Not really. It all depends on available amount of source codes from console's varios components and the developer's skill.

    "Humm? Plus, YOU could always start to code YOUR PS2 emulator... so that WE could bitch about it!

    I bet you gonna love it!!!"

    Excellent idea and from a newb no less. As a matter of fact, I am starting the project right this very moment. Rest assured, the pcsx2's days are numbered. But since my glorious and magnificent creation has barely reached alpha-stage, you should once again resign your clueless self to bitching about pcsx2...

  11. Humm.... I see I forgot one possibility. The emu-coder-wannabe option:

    4 - Most that try to code a PS2 EMU, upon realizing how hard it really is to code anything past ALPHA stage just drop it and pretend it never existed, avoiding criticism and living happily ever after.

    So now that covers it all I guess! ;)

  12. "Humm.... I see I forgot one possibility. The emu-coder-wannabe option:

    4 - Most that try to code a PS2 EMU, upon realizing how hard it really is to code anything past ALPHA stage just drop it and pretend it never existed, avoiding criticism and living happily ever after.

    So now that covers it all I guess! ;)"

    Are you speaking from a personal experience? Ohhhh, you poor sweet thing~~... ((c)Isabella)

  13. children. working in the trade I think you will find that a lot of previous consoles have been built will away from the limitations of intel chips and the bios + architecture pc owners have suffered for years.

    So the person saying its all the same thing needs to do the world a favour and not have kids as the gene pool would suffer.

    If you had a grain of truth in the comments then we would already have top notch xbox360 emus as the powers been around for ages for this to be done but there is so much more involved than a simple peace of code.

    Also if its that easy teach yourself how and do it yourself!


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