
PCSX2 SVN r4491

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4491 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
Recent Iso list: 1. Iso that don't exist are grayed out at the menu. 2. in portable mode, Iso files are saved as relative if they're inside pcsx2 folder, or in parallel to it.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4491
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [09 August 2010]
Source: Here


  1. This emulator has a problem: the source code is old.
    NEVER going to work fast if they fail to take advantage of multicore processors.

    Not worth the upgrade ...

    Thanks anyway.

  2. О ! На русском теперь !)
    Круто,) Спасибо

  3. #2 go and tell that to the pcsx2 team instead of here maybe they will update the whole project.

    you never know

  4. @#2: Do something useful then. Instead of posting here, why can't you just tell them the PCSX2 team yourself or even better, go get/use a/your PS2 and play some games on your TV. Seriously.

  5. yeah you got that right it would have been a good idea to post there from the start

  6. I hope Nichole doesn't get upset by all the loser-speed-bitching posts. At the end of the day does she have anything to do with it, at all? I guess not.

    People, please have a clue. Do you really think one SVN update will magically make your PC less "FAIL" to run PCSX2? Sorry to burst your sorry a** bubble, but that will never happen! Stop checking updates if that's what you seek.

    Major speedups, if any, will eventually make it into major stable versions anyway. No need to try every SVN build. You'll find only frustration and sadness going down this path! ;)

  7. This emulator wasted ALL multicore processors, because it depends more on the frequency of CPU cores that...

    I will not buy an i7 to only use 50% or less of the CPU... is ridiculous. With a quad should suffice, as Dolphin.
    The problem is not PC, it is optimization of code ...

    Stop defending the indefensible. The emulator PCSX2 is a bad and never improved not because the code is designed for dual core and no more...

    PCSX2 is a shit, and never get better... The developers chose a bad way to lazy: they had to rewrite the code from zero, preferring to continue with the old code... and it works...

    We have to wait another emulator, this is reality.

  8. @#8, You need to follow your own advice, go ahead and wait for another emulator.

  9. #8 has a crappy PC, you can tell from his bitching. He keeps namedropping i7s even though anybody who owns an actual i7, even the lower-end ones, and has tried it on PCSX2 know that it's fast enough for PCSX2 due to its faster architecture and of course, there is also turbo-boost.

    Hell, with an i7 you can even run fullspeed using GSDx's software mode by running 4 threads at the same time (this is a method that won't work on dual core PCs, so yeah, a quadcore has its uses).

    So you Brazilian fucks can go ahead and namedrop i7s all you want, we know that you're only running sucky-ass AMD Semprons LOL.

  10. LOL Semprons. I got one of those for free in my cereal box! It can run iNes at 60fps LOL

  11. to #10:

    i7 to be emulated... by software... and look graphics from the 2000 years... and imperfect... (to fullspeed, sure???...)... jajajajajaja.
    No thanks, I prefer turn on the console... to drown processor in a water cup to half-full.

    Enjoy your shit emulator, is designed for people like you.

  12. @#12 Dumbass, he said i7 can run PCSX2 well even in software, which is generally a lot slower than running in dx10 mode. And thanks for the jejemon laugh, you just outed yourself as a Filipino.

    Enjoy your shitty 3rd-world PC, dumbass. The rest of us can play hundreds of PS2 games on our PC in 720p. Because we have proper PCs, not shitty 3rd world budget desktops.

    Last time I checked, your country doesn't even have i7s sold at prices affordable to common jolog riffraff like you. You're probably trying to run PCSX2 on a shitty 2nd-hand netbook LOL.

  13. Remember, "graphics from the 2000 years and imperfect emulation"

    With graphics that can generate today's PCs, using emulators that generate bad graphics with high-end PC!!!...
    Go to play pac-man, conformist...

  14. Chuck Norris has a Xeon W3690 and a GTX 580 only to play tetris

    and a other equal PC to emulate the PCSX2. LOL


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