
PCSX2 SVN r4852

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4852 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
SPU2-X: Added configuration dialog for the portaudio backend (windows only).
Added settings for customizing the suggested latency.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4852
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [09 August 2010]
Source: Here


  1. Пожалуйста, сделайте фикс для Marvel Nemesis Rise of Impearfacts [PAL] и если получится для Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore [PAL]

  2. why the devs don't support sse4a and say it has no usefull features?

    every amd user has a bad fps. only on intel it runs fine. that sucks.

  3. Yeah ;/ I have one AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz.. I can play 90% of games without FPS problems but.. I see Intel users (with 2 cores 4 cores) have better performance than my processor, due to SSE4 support.

  4. AMD is crap hahahah :)

  5. I have AMD Phenom II X6 1090t at 3.2 Ghz and i don't see any fps Drop + i can't see the difference between Intel performance and AMD in any game i played...It's the same!!! I can play kingdom hearts 1 and 2 with full graphics!!

    Texture Filtering-On+Allow 8bit textures-On
    Direct3D11(Hardware mode)

    Most of the games run extremely well but we have to wait for more bug fixes and tweaks to come in the future that will give us speed boost!!

    Because the Devs have built the PCSX2 and Dolphin emulator based on Intel architecture that doesn't mean that AMD is crap!!That's the reason why Intel processor's has best performance in these emulators which in the case of PCSX2 i really can't see any performance or FPS difference between Intel and AMD on any game!!!

  6. pleaseeeeeeeeee fiiiiiiiiiixxxxx my peniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss

  7. Ok... Amd goes through phases of being crap and being good, right now they are quite decent for the money, however, It doesn't matter if you have 2 cores or 32 cores, the emus likely only make use of 1 or 2 of them. More cores does not automatically mean more performance.

    More cores require the programs to be coded to use them, coding programs to work efficiently in a multi threading environment isn't easy.

  8. AMD Bulldozer >>> ALL

  9. AMD Piledriver >>> YOU

  10. @ Anon7

    You're forgetting that having more than two cores can be benifitial,as two cores are being used for emulation, while the other two can handle any emulation unrelated payload that hogs the CPU. :)

    Also, pcsx2 utilizes for some reason all of my 4 cores.Interesting is, that the utilization is at the lower 20-45% on my phenom 965@stock while my e8400 OC'd to 3,6 is always at 80-100%, and some games DO lag like a CSS noob.

    So,the difference is 200mhz less(minus the Intel extensions) and the CPU runs the games better...

    I wouldn't claim at that point,that quad's cannot outperform fast dual core cpu's, for which this program has been optimized for.
    If you read through some forums,some people even have pretty sucky performance with the rather fast i3 dual core processors...which is obvious,since emulators require raw computing power,rather than the fancy crap that intel pulls their CPU's through.

  11. @ Anon4

    AMD is crap?

    I just bought my first AMD CPU since my AthlonXP 3200+ went to CPU Heaven, and I cannot complain one bit.Not a single game (not even Dolphin or pcsx2) on my PC has managed to get my Phenom II x4 965 to 100%.It also runs cool,it's stable and doesn't cost as much as the Intel counterparts.

    Personally,after what Intel did with the core i series - I'll never buy an Intel again.They're simply too expensive for daily use.On top of that, Intel changes their sockets and discontinues CPU's WAAAAAAAAAAY too often.They're being greedy for your money, and personally I will not support them.I feel like welcomed with opened arms by AMD.Intel is good, when it works and the prices aren't outrageous, AMD never has that problem.May be slower in some cases,but you will see the difference only if you put and AMD and an Intel system right next to eachother and do the same thing on both computers, and even then the difference is mostly not worth mentioning,especially for the prices Intel sells their CPU's...

  12. Currently SSE4a isn't used because its a minor extension of SSSE4 and has very few useful instructions that can aid in the emulation of a PS2 game.

    AMD made a vital mistake when not integrating specific important instruction sets however they have remedied this mistake with the bulldozer series. Currently i7's do outperform their equivalent AMD's however i7 has always been more pricey and AMD always was better overclocked to make up for these shortcomings. I'm not sure if these new series will blow away Intel but it may level the planes of the competition.

    I know friends who have i7's and their i7 920 which only cost about 50$ more performs much better then my 965 X4 Phenom II (not OC'd) but only by a small amount. Either ways currently AMD has nothing to offer the PCSX2 team that they can truly utilize. If you want someone to blame, blame AMD not the programmers of this wonderful emulator. The idea that it is emulated at 60 fps on some games alone is a marvel in and of itself.

    Bulldozer also contains the AVX instruction set which to my knowledge will improve floating point intensive calculations (PCSX2 is riddled with them) by a giant amount. Have faith, be patient bulldozer is slated to come out september and will be around 300$ ...a fair price to pay.

    (I hope this doesn't double post.

  13. Minor comment correction to my first statement. SSE4, not SSSE4.

  14. Eternius, the Bulldozer wait is really wearing my patience thin. It's made worse by the fact that Bulldozer has seen many delays due to AMD not being satisfied by the Bulldozer IPC etc.

    If there were some performance benchmark leaks (OBR ones are fake) then I'd be more patient but we don't even know how well BD will perform. Will its IPC be on par with Nahelm or will it blow Sandy Bridge away?

    Your guess is as good as any.

  15. PS: I'm not anon #4 who has nothing better to do than to throw insults.

  16. pls make PCSX2 for AMD pls!!!!!

  17. Anonymous said... @

    Yeah ;/ I have one AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz.. I can play 90% of games without FPS problems but.. I see Intel users (with 2 cores 4 cores) have better performance than my processor, due to SSE4 support.

    I have an Athlon II x2 @4GHz and I have more performance than you, it's not about SSE4 or not, it's about the CPU being faster.

    If you compare an AMD PhenomII or AthlonII to an Intel Core2 CPU at same clocks then the speed is not different, but an Intel i5/i7 is simply much faster at same clocks than both and it shows it with the pricetag too. If you want performance then Intel is the way to go right now.

    Maybe AMD bulldozer will be faster but for now Core i5/i7 is simply faster than the others, SSE4 or not (can be faster 20-30% and can even overclock higher...).

  18. FFS guys the reason it's slower on AMD's is because AMD chips are fucking slower than intel's. Jesus.


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