
PCSX2 SVN r4869

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4869 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
SPU2-X: Fix one little bug in the spu2replay code and a few warnings discovered by warning level 4 + code analysis.
linux compilation fix
* drop build on 64 bits. It will be supported through multiarch
* switch to SDL1.3, allow to build GSdx

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4869
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [09 August 2010]
Source: Here


  1. good the emulator is better

  2. fix FRONT MISSION 5 pls! there is still graphical glitches..

  3. fix god of war 2 plz

  4. pcsx2 for amd pls

  5. D.o.A. 2 hardoce сделайте рабочей пожалуйста!

  6. @ Anon 3

    God of War 2 works. The End.

  7. @ Anon 6

    It's not really "essential" for anything. I hope they continue working on making more and more games playable like they are doing now. Also posting it here won't result in anything. Go whine on official pcsx2 forum.

  8. Yes. The next who annoy my Nichole will be dead before the end of the day.

  9. anon 10: fuck nichole!

    and gow 2 not working NO BLOOm effect if you fixed the ghost effect!

  10. Vampire Night freezes but it's listed as compatible at http://pcsx2.net/compat.php?c=key. Please fix that!

    It still works in the official download release PCSX2 0.9.8r4600 version from the homepage.

  11. @Anonymous#10,

    You disgusting me.. Your Nichole ? Please get lost and I know you are Amos.. Grow up!

    Nichole, good job for updating all emulators.

    Anybody else, ask the pscx2 developer only at:


    Thank you.

  12. @ Anon 11

    By the end of the day, you will be dead. *shakes fist in rage*

    And, who the hell is this Amos that everybody keep talking about?

  13. Amos is a brazilian who has NO life and used to? post here

  14. *shakes first in rage* ^_^

    @Anonymous #13,

    I guess Anonymous #12 isn't Amos. Oh well. Sorry. :)

  15. @ Anon 11

    GoW 2 works... Try alpha hack or offset hack (one of those two will do). Game works. I finished it using stable 0.9.6 and that was few years ago, I'm sure now it's a lot better.

    @ Anon 4

    Not interesting anymore. :p

  16. fix gran turismo 4 plzzz :(

  17. gran turismo 4 isnt broken? Just slow if you have a older computer. Its one of the highest demanding games to play so if you dont have a really good computer, your probably not going to get close to 60fps.

  18. Thank you so much for your great work.
    Another 5 Bucks out on paypal.

  19. sse4a gsx plgugin for amd Nichole

  20. nichole doesnt make the plugins nor the emulator

    check it: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2

  21. Goran H: Try alpha hack or offset hack... CANt you understand there is no bloom effect in the game if you using alpha hack? why cant you understand?

  22. @ Anos 25

    Because he is a moron.

  23. @ Anon 25 and 26

    I finished GoW 2 without any trouble... any whatsoever(except for one skip mpeg that's most likely fixed by now)... and two of my friends on different machines did as well. So that is pretty much enough for me to be certain that game is PERFECTLY PLAYABLE. Plus it already has a "playable" status. Try different settings and in the end, even if it doesn't have the bloom effect. :p Choose your poison. It does not make this game any less enjoyable. Final note, what does make YOU as Anon 26 put it "morons" is the fact that you ARE in fact complaining here instead of going on official PCSX2 forum and under GSDX section. Idiots.

    @Anon 27

    While he indeed doesn't need to caps-lock stuff. It's excusable and it's (at least) much less of a bother that the same person that goes on trolling on every damn pcsx2 thread in here asking for "pcsx2 for AMD". That theme is getting really boring as with "fix X", X being games that are indeed playable just need bit more work on them or require stronger pc or have some minor (usually) graphical bugs (on 80%+ occasions)

    I'm also pretty tired of some "anon's" that post here twice more than regular posters and only bitch about stuff and can't bother to sign their posts. :p

    P.S. Where did the "Fix DoA 2: HC" anon go. Hopefully he found that he can play it on Dreamcast.

  24. I just overlooked, he's here as usual(#5 mesa thinksa). There are several of them. I wonder why they don't download/watch porn like regular people instead of begging for that *pos* game. Or instead play some of bethesda's (for example) games with nude patches or idk... I think japanese porn game business is most lucrative one? They are freeky ones, I'm sure there are tons of hentai oriented games.

    P.S. The second part sounded kinda wrong >.> lol

  25. i'm anon 4 & it was my first post in here
    very sorry if i was asking too much

  26. @ Anon 30

    Even though I don't believe you even a bit (mostly cause of the "XD" part of your post) I'll just go along with it(also I'm trying out my new Logitech Wave keyboard so I'm in "typing" mood).

    So you asked for pcsx2 for AMD? As I explained(tried to) several times before, PCSX2 is just a "regular" windows (in this case) application that isn't specifically made for either major type of CPU vendor (Intel/AMD). And it's able to use both of these CPU's. You can run it on 10 year old AMD as well as the newest gen AMD CPU's and the "only" difference is that one the newest one you'll be able to play them easily while with that which is 10 years old you'll probably barely even start the game. The only major difference between these in area of this emu is that Intel CPU's generally support more advanced/newer instruction sets (those SSE things you may have seen).

    On completely off-topic matter, you can regularly see AMD/Intel fanboys flaming here... That's completely different matters. Personal point of view, I prefer AMD's... My objective thought on the matter.

    + More powerful CPU's and some useful features that Intel doesn't have (like hyper-threading), new Sandybridges are awesome overclockers and are so powerhungry. So "POWER!" award.
    - They are a lot more expensive, top-of-the-range Intel CPUs going as far as one grand (insane for average person), then there are pricey MoBo's and so ... many... sockets. So mostly price.

    + Great CPU's for budget to mid-range, can buy entire decent PC with AMD's best CPU out there and it still might be cheaper then best Intel's CPU and not much inferior in terms of power (unless you're benchmark nut). Motherboards are cheap and one socket may last you few CPU's. So "best bang for the buck" award.
    - If you're building "dream pc" AMD's CPU is not likely to be in it. Also AMD CPUs tend to be power-hungry.

    That's my opinion on the matter, I hope you understood what I meant and are going to stop posting like this (or trolling).

    P.S. How is trolling so much fun for some of you? I was never into trolling, flaming is a lot more fun! :D


  28. @Goran H. lol someone who can't beat the trolls joins them. sad really. And then to top it all off you start to caps like you have a dick up your ass screaming for attention as if you have constipation.


    P.S. Troll tip #1. You can't fight trolls without admins/mods. Also the "anon" things doesn't exactly help, genius. :p

  30. please select a valid plugin for the usb? can someone give me a solution

  31. at Anon 36

    There's no need to search/setup for usb/firewire or whatnot stuff in the pcsx2 settings... Just the rest (except last three (I think) settings. If you messed something up... Return last three options to >null> or something ... or just install emu again to different location. Regards.


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