
PCSX2 SVN r4941

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4941 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
- Implemented an opcode profiler which prints statistics on how often VU opcodes are used (enabled with the mVUprofileProg macro)
- Get status flag conversion function to use EAX/ECX/EDX regs when being called from EE-rec (VU0 macro mode); this should play nicer with the EE-recs regalloc system.
Fixed pretty bad bug of us counting cycles only for one VIF when the system has 2.
Also added a couple important global variables to be savestated (breaks old state compat).

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4941
Source: Here


  1. well, as usual

    i will try viewtifull joe2, Rogue Galaxy, and dinasty warriors Orochi 2 to perform my own benchmark on this emulator.

    we will see how much it improved
    Processor Q8400 Dual quad
    VGA: Nvidia 9500 GT

  2. @ Anon 1

    Do you try this on every single revision or just those released here @ EmuCR? And what happens if you fail?

    And may I ask (seriously), your benchmark, what does it consist of?

  3. Yeah, I'd like to see your results.

  4. Latest PCSX2 version have support for 4 cores so you will have better results in a Quad Core, but your graphic card is not that good, you wont notice that much of a performance gain because the graphic card is the bottleneck.

  5. I heard byuu is working on a ps2 emulator, in 16 more years we will have 34GHz pc that can play the cycle exact accuracy of byuu

    in 16 years i doubt anyone will play ps2 games anymore! HOW MUCH COMMODORE 64 OR IINTELLIVISION GAMES DO YOU PLAY THESE WEEK? i can guarante that NONE!

  6. "in 16 years i doubt anyone will play ps2 games anymore! HOW MUCH COMMODORE 64 OR IINTELLIVISION GAMES DO YOU PLAY THESE WEEK? i can guarante that NONE!"

    Well, I personally played Super Mario Bros. just last night, not to mention I played FFI last week a little bit. And that's over 25 years ago. (1985-2011, in case you can't do the math is 26 years.)

    To say that true gamers will never play PS2 Games in 20 years would be laughable. In fact... lol... There :)

  7. I played Intellivision yesterday (not a actual Intellivision) I also play over 20 year old arcade games on a regular basis.that was a very foolish thing to say #6,about the old games and about someone you do not know.moron

  8. While I also recently played few games that predate my birth (I'm 19), and even though some of them were really hard to get into, I did so because of the respect and love I had for the sequels mostly. That's all right. If person in question is actually capable/willing to do such a thing, I think it's indeed admirable, but that's kinda for future generations, and IMO fuck future generations(I'm an egocentric), I mean I don't know if I might be even alive in those given 16 years.

    Henceforth, while that is all nice, most of us (when I say most I mean almost everyone) want stuff right here and now. And talking so much into the future is kinda dumb if you ask me, if it were two or maybe three year, it might be acceptable, but I won't even bother to get into further into something that only those completely oblivious cannot comprehend, I mean, common reason ain't all that common, huh?

    While people will probably always play games no matter how they are old (like no one ever played tetris, pitfall, zork for example) just like they are gonna read old books, listen centuries old compositions etc. Just cause Hollywood movies looks so jaw-dropping doesn't mean they are any better than those black&white movies without any spoken word. My point being even if all that's true there's still no point (in this case) praising something that might not even come out, let alone that much in the future. Cause let's not forget the present, and most likely the reason most of us, if not all are here. It's cause there's a perfectly viable solution to mentioned "problem" already. Enjoy.

    @ Anon 4 and indirectly @ Anon 1

    Pardon me for the in case this sounds bit douchy, but PCSX2 supported Quad-cores since long time ago, but it's actually since recently that a hack has been introduced to utilize more than two cores, henceforth those all four cores(r4866 if I recall correctly). Everything else you said is correct. Cheers.

  9. i'm anon 1st

    I have posted my results yesterday on my Opera browser. I checked it, and make sure is has already there.

    But, how come it disappear?


  10. @ #5 it says in the changlog that save states will be broken.learn to read.another reason kids shouldnt be allowed to use emulators...

  11. says that when you never know these consoles...

  12. @ Anon 13/14

    Just cause you two are morons who can't look past graphics, doesn't mean other people can't. If everyone couldn't then there wouldn't be many people playing SNES, but you (not necessarily you per say_ byuu guys for example indicate otherwise. Meh, it's just a fact that, as I said previously, people will continue playing even the oldest games no matter what. I'm not saying all of 'em will, but I'd rather play (for example) ancient Super Mario Bros. then it's newer DS counterpart, it just feels more right.

    Second. Yes, most CHILDREN (or kids) will look away at old games in comparison to newer ones, cause they are children and they don't give a who about anything else than pretty graphics
    , juicy sound effects and that's about it. But I guess you're amongst the aforementioned group.

    Third. I'm self important prick. I even said so in my previous comment. What's the point? :p

    Fourth. We are going waaaay of topic... In the end. Byuu probably won't make infamously accurate ps2 emulator any year soon (sorta say), so there's really no point in continuing to argue about this.

    @ Anon 12

    Not everyone, but there are people. Simple as that. :p And like Anon 11 said, don't blame it on emulator just cause you didn't read changelog for whatever reason you didn't. Your fault. And in the end, no one forced/forces you to use this emu, so stop bitchin' and drink your milk.

    Goran H.

  13. I like the recent comments better. Less complaining and more arguing/fighing!

    Less byuu would make it even better... hehe

  14. @17 yeah Goran H. the guy that plays vectrex all day long

  15. @ Goran H. I actually agre with you this time!
    In some points, I still have my old consoles stored in my house, but the true is, I barely play with them anymore, only focus my free time,between the ps3 and the xbox 360.
    Maybe i hook up the vectresx one time a year to see if is still working. chao.

  16. I already asked byuu and no ps2 emu ;_;
    GBC may happen eventually. But there's no suitable documentation to do it, so I'm going to need a co-author for it to happen.
    GBA is extremely unlikely. I absolutely hate ARM. I know, most people love it, but I do not.
    I remember the absolute MINDFUCK that working on the Mother 3 code was ... C-compiled code on a register-rich architecture is chaos to debug.
    I have a hard enough time tracking down bugs on simple architectures with three registers. So, no thank you.
    N64/DS and up is all 3D stuff, which is beyond my capabilities, even if I wanted to do them (I don't.)

  17. Well I'm just glad that these days "you" guys are at least able to spell my username correctly. ;)

    @ Anon 19

    I have bunch of old consoles somewhere in my house, and I really don't play them anymore, except for my old ps one, that is located at one storage place so that sometimes me and my friends can quickly shelter ourselves from rain or cold weather and play some Tekken 3 or Gran Turismo. Not even newest and prettiest games cannot make up for gameplay with group of friends. I play post-2000 games about 90%+ of my gaming time, which doesn't mean that I won't on occasion turn up idk... Elder Scrolls Arena from '94 in the spirit and impatience to Skyrim. Also there are rarely any new games worth playing as most of them suffer from bloody consolitis, hence being offensively short and dumbed down to the level of where I'm sure my 10 year old sister could finish most of them in maybe two or three sittings and without any gaming experience or knowledge of English language. (ofc there are extremely rare exceptions) :p

    @ Anon 20

    So he actually said he cannot do that. Period. That also nets tons of self-explanatory questions which could provide a laugh to those keeping track of this. (assuming that what you said is true)

  18. i asked nicely in his forum release of bsnes 0.83 is in page 5 if you want to check up the long answer

  19. Might check it later on(just to have a link to the specific post ready), nevertheless thanks for the info. Regards. ;)

  20. i play with my cock and my balls everyday but they have 32 years old hahaha
    so old stuff or consoles can't die if still at least one person playing with them

  21. Nowadays PC can run amlost every console games, excluding the -next gen console- ones like ps3,xbox. That means a number of games you wouldn't finish in a lifetime.

    PC rulez. PCSX2 Devs rulez.

  22. i am used emulator,because my old console is dead and there are still a lot old good games roms/iso to playing.thanks to emulator.


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