
PCSX2 SVN r4954

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4954 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
IPU bug fix by Shalma, well spotted ;p

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4954
Source: Here


  1. You need to grow up. Why are you breathe on the Earth ? Do you deserve to live ? Think twice before you say something. Someone greater than you who can be very cruel and you will scream in mercy. Please stop acting like a baby and think twice. Human being is precious and cherish.

    I am sure that you will run for your life when Earth is fall apart and you want to be stay alive. You gotta think twice when you hid somewhere struggle for your survive and you would say "What have I done ? Why did I say that swear to all for no reason?" Maybe you are laughing right now but again.. You will have scarred memory for life forever when the Earth is fall apart.. Yes, it is on the way and there is no if but when.

    Anyway, good work, emucr, for compling as many as you can. Cheers.

  2. Nice work... keep going.

  3. @ Anon 2

    Wow... that's going really far man. People come here everyday and download various Emulators or tools or just follow progress, and sometimes they comment. On most of these builds there are minor updates that don't need commenting but there are always people that find it interesting to talk trash about stuff. And in 95% (at least) of cases they are just trolling cause they either don't get it (morons), their patience is really thin, they don't take time to configure stuff to work, expecting everything will work out perfectly in no time for free... and sometimes there are groups that complain too much because someone did something that one couldn't dream off.

    Even I'm now going too far but aight. The important thing is that people generally find EmuCR very useful and are grateful for all the work, even if a few are constantly trolling it, but that's easily overlooked.

    Concerning the end of the world scenario (most interesting), I'd probably try to have sex (read... rape) with someone I really like and couldn't get to do it naturally (whatever the reason may be)... I mean... world's ending, why the hell not. Things should go out with a bang.

    As usual. Cheers guys and try and have fun! ;)

  4. Fix please Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

  5. @Goran H..

    That's true but I want to say it because he is being stupid and immature, thats all. :)

    This EmuCr is very useful and awesome for people who do not know how to complied and we thanks emucr that exist today. Cheers! ;)

  6. love reading the comments on here.

  7. I can't decide between here and YT about what place has the best "commenters"

  8. Did anyone get Berserk: Millennium Falcon running at good speed?

  9. @ Anon 8

    I'd say here if you take the ratio into account. Not by that much but still, most pcsx2 threads for example got at least 20% of "funny" comments. The funniest ones are like the ones where almost everyone is insulting everyone (rare though, but those are for huge lulz).

  10. Hello , i bought a ps2 disc crash bandicoot 3 in 1
    with multiloader elf on it but it wont work with pcsx2 plz help :)

  11. @ 16.this is not the pcsx2 site,it is a site that compiles emulators.why dont you try reading the faq before you start with the "plz Help" posts....they are so sickening.sound like beggars.PLZ HELP!!! BTW,this is how to spell PLEASE

  12. Why dont you does make a iso of the disc?

  13. please give me 3ds emulator right now!

  14. @ anon 17 thx dude u saved me XD
    btw this is how we spell it : BY THE WAY


    i know that they compile builds but i did ask if someone faced the same case before ;)

    @ anon 18

    i made iso of it but it wont load :(

  15. lmao ppl arguing again over pcsx2 stuff

  16. Goran H. Please fix castlevania i beg you ;_;

  17. anon 23 = Goran

    hey goran stop acting


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