
PCSX2 SVN r5083

EmuCR: PCSX2PCSX2 SVN r5083 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: more fun with shaders but nothing works yet.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r5083
Source: Here


  1. hahah yea i love hamburgers and pizza

  2. "On 19 January 2012, U.S federal prosecutors in the state of Virginia shut Megaupload down and laid charges against its founder Kim Dotcom and others for allegedly breaching copyright infringement laws."

    ANY gaming company or record company or any other "digital" media company, can and will press charges against sites that are "allegedly breaching" copyright ingfingement laws. Son of a bitch american lmao you make me laugh man. You act like the whole country was against megaupload.

  3. HA HA FBI seize all fatman Kim stuff,HA HA HA
    hello korean man! would you like me to cook you up a dog?

  4. yeah i want a burger and a pizza thanks for asking

  5. To Korean,

    You are disgusting. You want to bring Megaupload back ? You need to go away. This is compiling site for emulators and nothing more. Just go away!

  6. Man, all this megaupload crap talk makes me miss the "WTF GoW is green! I hate this emu!" and the "Please make this emu run good for all humanity" people.

  7. I finished GOW 1 and 2 on PCSX2 emu. You dont know what you are doing with the green screen and fog as well. The answer is at PCSX2 forum. They are great people and helpful. Go there.

    This is compiling for emulators. If you don't like this emulator then buy PS2 slim or phat to hack instead. Its that simple. Please use your conception. Sighing.

  8. all they need to do is try and get there servers up and running again to somewhere that has no international copyright treties like sweden or norway that way there will be nothing america can do to shut them down because they have no juridiction how do you think the pirate bay has survived for so long.

  9. RIP file sharing websites....

    Is time for change into DIRECT DOWNLOAD time!

  10. Comment #1 is amazing. And true.

  11. important

    all the new version cant play the multi-loader game like:*cdloader1.2 *

    only this version is good for it (EmuCR-Pcsx2-r4808) it work pretty good for multi game

    fix the new version please

  12. important

    all the new version cant play the multi-loader game like:*cdloader1.2 *

    only this version is good for it (EmuCR-Pcsx2-r4808) it work pretty good for multi game

    fix the new version please

  13. they are tracking torrents more and more i got bombed with notices and they cut off my net service till i confirmed some agreement..been using my htc thunderbolt to download torrents lately >.<..no worries of running up bill since its not turned on..its a used one i traded my ipod to brother for but was so worth the trade all did was root it and remove sim card xD

  14. lol torrents? the ISP will send the riaa and the fbi right to your fucking house, torrents are not safe dont use it!

  15. Just use a seedbox, then no worries about riaa


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