
PCSX2 SVN r5135

EmuCR: PCSX2PCSX2 SVN r5135 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: Updating the CRC list with some Korean titles. Thanks for the list, 99skull.
GSDx: Found the likely actual cause for the FFXII hack problems, probably introduced with index buffers. Also made the hack a little more crash proof and maybe fixed an off by one pixel error.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r5135
Source: Here


  1. [sarcasm] OMFG !! You've "Fixed" the About ?
    Holy shit, I'm literally going to download this right now just to see what games benefit from this amazing "Fix" [/sarcasm].

    Serious note, If you are intending on picking up a open-source project then how about actually doing some fixes that benefit the emulator rather than some pedantic fix that does fuck all.
    It reminds of nullDC lately, "Fix some obscure nonsense", followed up by "Reverted to some obscure nonsense", followed by "Fixed something that does something or maybe even nothing".

  2. Go here instead, this is the official PCSX2 SVN repository. These builds are not the abortive ones that random people at EmuCR compile. I've had good experiences with the ones here - http://pcsx2.net/svn.php

  3. @ Anon 1
    Well it's certainly more useful than you. :)
    Mindless moron such as yourself will always be just that. And this, even if it looks meaningless, it's probably a test or experiment that might yield with some benefits... Anyway I'm sure you're too stupid to understand me, so I'll stop. Cheers. ;)

  4. @ Goran he posted the same thing in the PJ647KE post.he is just copy\pasting


  6. Goran H as must as you dont like, the n1 comment copy paste,trolling or not,is pretty much the true! about the pscx2 developer team right now!,they trow revision after revision, with little to zero improvement, over the last one , break one game fix another and the cycle repeat, remember the time when they actually made improvements in the video department?,the time they logged to the ps2 servers?, man those where the days!, I actually tested and posted a lot of bugs and problems back in the day,but now i really dont care at all,the emulator cant be improved anymore, they reached a bottleneck with todays hardware and video cards. video plugings have reached a peak and cant be further improved, the only thing the team can do right now is fix a game and pray that dont break another it is as it is ,like it or not, quitle frankly i have a lot of respect for you,in the past,you helped people and give them advise, but you just have fall to the trolls in here, and ended in just one more,with little to nothing to add or say about a subject. and i really dont know why! also you take a true statment about this emu personally, and im sure you end up reading this as and attack when is not!,take care, and have i hope you get back to your old self,a good day.

  7. @ A*

    It doesn't take me much to type that small thing, and I enjoy flaming trolls, getting them angry and making them writing hate notes. Can't beat them, but at least you can grill 'em and have fun.

    "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong!"

    @ Anon 6

    Thing is, on my current pc I play every ps2 game with no framedrops. I only get framedrops when I increase resolution scaling because my 9800GT can't keep up, for a reason, it's a five or so year old GPU. Yes, I got a fairly powerful CPU (2500k) that isn't exactly cheap, but good thing is, the software (PCSX2) is free. So it doesn't hurt consumer in anyway. Just another benefit of being a pc gamer.

    About there being no improvements, I recently saw few useful fixes like for SMT Nocturne that I had to fix the "manual/harder" way when I played it, added shadeboost option for gsdx (amongst other things), and not so long time ago they added MTVU which massively boosted performance if you got a 3+ core CPU.

    Even if they are doing as you say "nothing" keep in mind they aren't obligated to do it. And doing something however miniscule it may be, is a good thing. Why? Because I know the project is still alive.

    Regards. ;)

  8. "and im sure you end up reading this as and attack when is not!,take care, and have i hope you get back to your old self,a good day."

    Sorry I skipped over this part. Well let me elaborate a bit. It's that so far PCSX2 didn't cause me any trouble, crash my windows, infected it or whatnot. Only enabled me to play some games I played as a kid with my pals and wasn't mature enough to understand and really enjoy. Also a lot of quality JRPGs are on PS2. And few of my Top 10 Games (series) are on PS2 like FF and SMT. So naturally like I love a pc, I love pcsx2 for that reason. I don't take it personally. I have a few minor annoyances with PCSX2 myself, don't think I don't. But they are miniscule and irrelevant to the subject, or larger scale. And your (plural) arguments or trolling against it is in my humble opinion wrong. Henceforth I reply. And no worries, I didn't take your post to heart or as an offense, it's actually nice when you can read a post that makes some sense, irrelevant of grammar usage.

    Good day to you as well.

  9. keep it up guys! (for some reason i see 95% of the time advancement with each revision comming, or im just lucky with my games taste and their compatibility..) greetings

  10. GSDX > Native (check) = no lines

  11. @Goran H your not a fucking spokesperson at emucr, so get the fuck out of here. you always have a little smart ass response to everyone's comments huh? im going to make an account on here just so i can inquire about having you removed from this site. your turning into an amos, and no one needs you (lets be honest, a nobody) to be dictating and telling everyone what they must and must not do.

  12. @ Anon 13; Goran is trying to help. He has not posted anything to dictate anyone here.

  13. @14.. So, what's your account?

  14. I love all of you

  15. I can't play DT Racer. Please fix it.

  16. err...i apreciate goran h and all the pcsx2 team for their works :)

  17. I appreciate all the "going to nowhere fast" style of conversation that goes around here. It get's boring sometimes of course.

  18. i want to see new version u fix in it the lines

  19. hi.

    it's troll time and you can't do anything about it hehe


  20. @Gohran
    "I got a fairly powerful CPU (2500k) that isn't exactly cheap"
    Isn't cheap? a 2500k is a midrange i5 that costs about 130 bucks, it isnt something to brag about.

  21. Agreed... A sandy i5 kit is pretty cheap these days. I guess people that buy anything less (anything AMD or sandy i3) do so more on principle or fanboism than for money reasons.

  22. to fix Tekken 5 annoying lines set a custom resolution 1200x1200

  23. @ Bleep Blorp

    2500k costs 220$ worldwide, I payed mine 330$ as it costs that in my country. So... yeah. And gaming wise nothing more expensive than it isn't worth it, unless you have a multi-monitor setup. Then you should get Sandy Bridge-E. I would's say it's pricey, as it's worth every penny, but it isn't dirt cheap meaning not 130$. Unless you mean second hand. :p

    So you're completely wrong. 220$ isn't "exactly cheap". And 2500k is a beast for games. Sandy Bridge-E is overpriced and LGA 13366 socket CPU's like 980X are not worth it. Unless you do a lot of video work, that includes heavy multi-tasking, there's nothing better there than 2500k, at least not by much unless you need it to do triple SLI or CFX (or quad), then it's recommended to get Sandy-E and even then there's a chance that CPU will be a bottleneck (even if it's 3960X highly overclocked.

    And it's Goran. Try harder next time. You might get it right.

    @ Anon 25

    For gaming I'd say nothing less than 2500k, unless you plan on going tri or quad GPU setup. Also if you're on a single monitor and don't do more than 1920x1080... you can "get away" with G850 (pentium) and that CPU costs basically around 90$.


    Check this to see what I mean. For emulation, general purpose and gaming (with bit of feature proofing) hands down best bang for the buck is 2500k.

    @ both of you

    Guess we have different definitions of cheap. I don't consider 330$ I payed for it cheap, not even the international price of 220$ as cheap. It's once again worth it, but that's not cheap.

  24. Change resolution in GSDX to 1260x1260 and Tekken 5 run perfectly.

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