
PCE/macplus v20120625-175f724

EmuCR: PCE/macplusPCE/macplus v20120625-175f724 is released. PCE/macplus is a Macintosh Plus emulator. It emulates a Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512k, Macintosh 512ke or a Macintosh Plus.

Emulated parts
Part Status
CPU A complete MC68000 emulator.
ROM An unmodified ROM image from a Macintosh Plus is needed.
RAM Memory configurations of 128K, 512K, 1M, 2.5M and 4M are supported.
Video Supported (512*342*2)
Sound Not yet supported
Floppy disks Supported by a custom driver. For this to work the ROM is patched at runtime.
SCSI Up to 7 SCSI harddisks are supported.
Serial ports Supported
Mouse Supported
Keyboard Supported
AppleTalk Not supported

PCE/macplus v20120625-175f724 Changelog:
- Execute repeated string operations as multiple operations
- Simplify calculation of the EA delay
- Fix a typo that prevented the ISR from blocking interrupts
- Set the minimum sleep time to 25 ms for both Linux and Windows
- Automatically guess the encoding for raw and xdf images
- Try to set the PIMG file size using ftruncate() before write()
- ibmpc, fdc: Add a config file option to ignore the EOT value If the EOT value is ignored, floppy disks with more than 8 or 9 sectors per track can be used, even with older BIOSes.
- Add support for 1840K XDF images
- Recognize more raw image sizes
- Add function pfdc_write_ofs()

Download: PCE/macplus v20120625-175f724
Source: Here


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