
Dolphin has a new website

Thanks dam Bennett for submitting news
Dolphin now has a new website: http://dolphin-emu.org/ . Forums and wiki addresses have also changed to dolphin-emu.org.
For multiple reasons, the Dolphin website has moved from its previous location (dolphin-emulator.com) to a new domain: dolphin-emu.org.

The forums and wiki have been fully migrated and your accounts will still work.

We also used this occasion to deploy the new version of our website, which you can now see online on http://dolphin-emu.org/ . This website provides downloadable versions of Dolphin, documentation written by the developers and some of the most active forum helpers, as well as a lot of nice screenshots.

As the developer of this new website I'm interested by any feedback you might have, so don't hesitate to give us your impressions on this thread!

Thanks a lot to Parlane, Neobrain, MaJoR and Starscream for their assistance in the migration process.

Source: Here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, nice they change the website....
    But, they can´t make the Cube Games run normal without any fail ingame.


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