
Yabause SVN r3100

EmuCR: SS EmulatorsYabause SVN r3100 is compiled. Yabause is a Sega Saturn Emulator(SS Emulator) for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.

Yabause SVN Changelog:
Fixed bug when trying to remove memory breakpoints on qt port
Added missing include in osdcore...

Ok, this commit was just a purpose to commit something ;)
Fix so that save/load state behaves properly while using dummy core or when a frame is in the middle of being skipped.
Added missing method in full software mode.
Added an option to build a 16BPP Yabause library.

The new option is YAB_RGB and it let you choose the
pixel format, the two supported values for now are 555 and 565.
Setting this option will disable OpenGL, as I think the 16BPP
mode only makes sense for "full software" renderer, but I may
be wrong.

The Qt port has also been updated to handle the new option,
other ports will display wrong colors. I'm also not 100% sure
it's endian safe...
Made window debug information consistent.

Download: Yabause SVN r3100
Source: Here


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