
TwinPad v0.9.0

EmuCR: TwinPadTwinPad v0.9.0 is released. TwinPad is an input plugin for the PlayStation 2 emulator PCSX2. TwinPad allows those without a gamepad to control the emulator with the keyboard and mouse.

TwinPad Keyboard v0.9.0 Changelog:

A new and completely redesigned user interface, based on wxWidgets v3.0.2. No more DX8VB dll Smile
Ability to erase a single button for Pad1/2 tab (right click to erase it).
Get settings directory from emu is working. If emu doesn't provide settings path (PSX emus),
TwinPad will use default 'inis' directory next to the emu's exe. If 'inis' not found it will be
created. Just make sure you (as a user) have the privilege to read/write at that location.
In Combos, Reduced number of buttons to 20 buttons per Action. Make it impossible to add
nonsensical buttons at once (e.g,: Left Analog Up + Left Analog Down at the same time).
Note: Some games rely on opposite D-Pad buttons being pressed, and indeed, PS2 allows you to
press D-Pad UP and Down, or Left and Right at the same time.
Ability to assign button sensitivity for each button inside a Combo. Note that due to limitation
of DualShock 2 (not TwinPad) you can't have 2 sensitive buttons pressed (12 total for DS2) at the
same time. Otherwise, PS2 or the Emu will consider the buttons being simply pressed (no pressure).
Just keep this in mind when making a new Combo. Different pressure values for different Actions is okay.
Ability to set individual Combos for pad 1 or 2. Unlike before, all combos for the selected pad.
Ability to have empty action at the beginning of a Combo.
Ability to execute 2 combos independently of each other at the same time. One for each pad.
You can even have two Combos share the same predefined key as long as they have different pad
assigned than each other.
Combo editor now allows you to add, insert (2 different versions), and delete Actions. Or delete
To turn off a Combo but keep it there instead of deleting it, just remove the assigned key for
it (again right click on the configured key).
Fixed a logical bug in Combo execution, delay was off by one type error.
Enhanced mouse sensitivity when set greater than 1 (one is the default and recommended).
Fixed Scroll Up/Down mouse wheel behavior when set to actual PS buttons.
Eliminated some not needed options from Misc tab. Load Configurations on the fly has to go,
sorry. TwinPad Configuration doesn't run from EXE file anymore.
Many small bug fixes which I forgot. And many more code refactoring and cleanups. Still looks
ugly Tongue
All previous configurations will be LOST (including Combos). The plugin will notify you
about this.

P.S: I didn't have the chance to test the GUI extensively. There might be some issues regarding the GUI.. If there are any,
please report them here and the steps to reproduce the issues. Thanks Smile

P.S.2: If you complain about the DLL size jumping from 150KB to being greater than 3.5MB, blame wxWidgets for being bulky.

How to use:
Extract the DLL into the plugins folder and you are ready to go..
to configure the plugin, run PCSX2 normally select TwinPad from the plugins' list and click on configure. the TwinPad configuration utility will appear..

Download: TwinPad v0.9.0


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