
1964js Git (2015/06/03)

EmuCR: N641964js Git (2015/06/03) is released. 1964js is the first N64 emulator written in JavaScript (CoffeeScript to JS). It is loosely a port of our N64 emulator for Windows called 1964. 1964 was written in C and C++.

1964js Git Changelog:
* style.css is a generated file that doesn't need to be in the repository
* Update readme explaining how to install dependencies for Linux-based development environment
* Update .gitignore
* Create .gitignore
I may expand upon this later, but for now this should do the trick.
* rename unofficial_roms/ directory to roms/unofficial/; Bump to v0.1.22 for production; deployed to production
* Update readme.md
* Update readme.md
* Rename README.txt to readme.md
* Update and rename README.txt to readme.md
* Update and rename README.md to readme.md
* Create license.md
* Fix some typos. Because OCD, that's why.
* remove ec2-api-tools

Try Online: 1964js Git (2015/06/03)
Source: Here


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