
Xenia Git (2015/06/10)

EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2015/06/10) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!

Xenia Git Changelog:
* Speeding up source map lookup for x64 disasm.
* Dramatically speeding up HIR comments.
* Switching StringBuffer to use a raw pointer.
* Fiddling with function data.
* Debugger can pause/resume threads.
* Scaling audio playback frequency with clock time scaling.
* Merge pull request #250 from rlabrecque/readme
Updated Readme
* Updated Readme
* Tests for vsl.
* Few more tests for vsr.
* SHL_V128.
* Fixing SHR_V128.
* Test for vsr.
* Merge pull request #249 from DrChat/obj_duplicate_fix
Object Duplication Fix
* Actually give the game the new handle
* Minor fix in XThread - checking the wrong address for NULL
* Fix up NtDuplicateObject
* Object table handle duplication

Download: Xenia Git (2015/06/10)
Source: Here


  1. BREAKING NEWS! Finally! 1st commercial games is now running! See here for info!


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