
Xenia Git (2015/06/26)

EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2015/06/26) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!

Xenia Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #284 from DrChat/append_ptr_fix
Fix AppendParam dereferencing NULL pointers
* Fix AppendParam dereferencing NULL pointers
* Merge pull request #283 from lioncash/fmt
xex_module: Fix formatting arguments
* xex_module: Fix formatting arguments
These take a const char* not a std::string.

Download: Xenia Git (2015/06/26)
Source: Here


  1. Comes up with the error "the procedure entry point _Thrd_id cannot be found" any solution available?

    1. Xenia Status:
      - Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
      - Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens! <--- you missed this part

    2. no xenia doesn't even run at all now, emucr builds worked until Saturday the usual green screen comes up, then from sunday onwards it has been just the windows dialog box

    3. Install vc_redist.x64 2015 and will work again


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