
MESS Git (2015/08/24)

EmuCR: MESSMESS Git (2015/08/24) is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS Git Changelog:
* Guarding against inappropriate use
* pet_rom.xml: Added Edex (France, v4.4) [Hervé Warin]
* pet: Added French CBM 8032 ROMs. [Hervé Warin]
* fix stupid typo, doesn't fix the cvs.c goldbug sound inconsistency yet (nw)
* konamigx.c: Minor rom name corrections - NW
* forgot to remove comment
* deleted supercon.lay
* added internal layout for 4004clk
* note worded more strict
* note
* leland: fix MT05377 MT05709 and MT05435 (hopefully)
pit8253: try to prevent mode 2 triggering twice (nw)
* tms51xx: removed target_x variables in favor of reloading from coefficient ROM during the generation loop (as the real device does).
Implemented proper ZPAR and unvoiced ZPAR logic for zeroing parameters during idle and unvoiced frames.
Changed the pitch zeroing logic during frame inhibit to last an entire interpolation period rather than one sample.
Replaced the speech-is-synthesizing state machine with the original patent TALK, TALKD and SPEN bits.
Redid the talk_status logic to use (TALKD || SPEN) as the real device does. [Lord Nightmare]
* deco16ic.c: Minor documentation update - NW
* deco32.c: Add PCB layout for DE-0395-1 PCB - NW
* deco16ic.c: Documentation update - NW
* Moved nltool.c and nlwav.c into src/emu/netlist/prg.
Added src/emu/netlist/build/makefile. This allows netlist to be ripped
out of the tree and to compile it standalone. (nw)
* rename vampire.c to faceoffh.c (nw)
* Created a separate logging class. Netlist code should now be at least
98% type safe. No more fuzzing around with SIZEFMT and friends. Changed
formatting to use python style format strings. (nw)
* Just some logging improvement
* namcops2.c: added h/w info for first version of System 246
* Invoke step on cylinder change
* minivadr.c: Added PCB layout

Download: MESS Git (2015/08/24) x86
Download: MESS Git (2015/08/24) x64
Source: Here


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