
Yabause Git (2015/08/24)

EmuCR: SS EmulatorsYabause Git (2015/08/24) is compiled. Yabause is a Sega Saturn Emulator(SS Emulator) for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.

Yabause Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #58 from d356/scsp-dsp
Implement some SCSP DSP register writes and a disassembler
* Checkout a specific yabauseut binary to prevent breakage
* Some compile and warning fixes for os x clang
* Implement register reads and writes for the SCSP DSP
Also implement a SCSP DSP disassembler
* Add a test for SCSP DSP register reads and writes
* Merge pull request #57 from cyberwarriorx/master
Fixed issue with Bilinear Filtering setting not displaying correctly in Qt settings
* Merge branch 'Yabause/master'
* Bios and Stack changes from devmiyax branch
Those fix bugs in Panzer Dragoon Zwei and
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
* Fixed issue with Bilinearing Filtering setting not displaying correctly in Qt settings

Download: Yabause Git (2015/08/24)
Source: Here


  1. Wow. I sent the email to emucr and no answered at all. -_-!!!!

    1. Sorry. It need a Mac OS build environment.

    2. Thank you, Jei, for finally email to me today. I understand.


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