
Yabause Git (2015/09/05)

EmuCR: SS EmulatorsYabause Git (2015/09/05) is compiled. Yabause is a Sega Saturn Emulator(SS Emulator) for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.

Yabause Git Changelog:
* Closing file handle still in use is a bad idea...
* Fixed various resource leaks
Thanks Coverity for that o/
* YabLoadState doesn't needs to fclose anymore
* Modified settings for Coverity
* Merge pull request #78 from d356/vdp1-auto-coverity
Add Vdp1 automated framebuffer testing and Coverity on Travis CI
* Update YabauseUT hash
* Add vdp1 framebuffer automated testing and enable Coverity with Travis CI
* Fixed 16BPP modes

Download: Yabause Git (2015/09/05)
Source: Here


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