
Recompile Git (2017/10/25)

EmuCR: XeniaRecompile Git (2017/10/25) is compiled. Porting Xbox360 executables to Windows. Currently the published branch of the project allows to run simple Xbox360 demo apps (samples).

Recompile Git Changelog:
* [tools] Added button to copy project's starting commandline to clipboard
* [tools] Fixed the project list being cluttered with many opened files
* [gpu] fixed the unnecessary R and B swap, fixed the A4R4G4B4 format support
* [gpu] fixed rendering performance problems
staging buffers were not such a good idea after all ;)
* Fixed yet another broken cpu instruction implementations
* Removed broken project from the test data
* Fixes to instruction decoding for packd3d/unpackd3d
* Bug fixes
* Fixed many instruction implementations

EmuCR: Recompile

Download: Recompile Git (2017/10/25)
Source: Here


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