
FB Neo Git (2020/04/27)

EmuCR: FB AlphaFB Neo Git (2020/04/27) is complied. FinalBurn Neo is an Emulator for Arcade Games & Select Consoles. It is based on the emulators FinalBurn and old versions of MAME.

FB Neo Git changelog:
* Merge pull request #338 from fbn-mac/macos-tubep
* Added tubep
* add driver for eolith hyperstone-cpu games
* update hyperstone cpu intf
* (nw) renaming sf2ceeab and sf2ceuab according to Jets
* d_neogeo.cpp: added Burning Fight (prototype, newer, V07)
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/finalburnneo/FBNeo
* (nw) fix mslug5b c5 and c6 romsize

Download: FB Neo Git (2020/04/27) x86
Source: Here


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