
FB Neo Git (2020/08/10)

EmuCR: FB AlphaFB Neo Git (2020/08/10) is complied. FinalBurn Neo is an Emulator for Arcade Games & Select Consoles. It is based on the emulators FinalBurn and old versions of MAME.

FB Neo Git Changelog:
* kaneko16: fix for arm
* subroc3d: less broken
* ponpoko, crush roller: fix bad sounds
* seta, fix zetopen before zetinit issue with utoukond
* dbz timing issue
* fix ultraman and tail2nose gfx issue
* star guards: name start button Start / Weapon to avoid confusion
* topspeed: support analog accel/brake
* bells and whistles: fix dim palette
* screwloo: friendlier input list
* sarge: friendlier input list
* orbitron: flip screen
* redufo: flip screen
* opwolf3: fix for arm
* rescue: change input list
* taitof3: big-endianize
* d_pgm.cpp: added redump of S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V200, China) [GC8TECH.COM]
* d_cps1.cpp: add Player 3 inputs for wofchp and wofchdx [taoenwen]
* coleco, add and update some games
* Merge pull request #418 from crystalct/master
* 2nd Xexex big endian fix - now works
* K053936.cpp - first big endian fix for Xexex
* 2nd Moomesa big endian fix - now works
* 2nd Dbz big endian fix - now works
* K053936.cpp - first big endian fix for Dbz
* 2nd Gijoe big endian fix - now works
* Xexex big endian fix
* Moomesa big endian fix
* Gijoe big endian fix
* Dbz big endian fix
* Lethalen big endian fix
* Big endian 2nd attemp K056832 - Asterix now works
* Big endian first attemp K056832 - Bishi now works
* d_cps1.cpp: fix Player 3 inputs for Jurassic 99 (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs bootleg with EM78P447AP, 930201 ?) [taoenwen]
* (nw) make dwpc110cn parent rom and rename it to dwpc

Download: FB Neo Git (2020/08/10) x64
Source: Here


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