
PCSX2 SVN r4921

EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r4921 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx fixes:
Skygunner crashing on boot.
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing doing a huge Vram usage when opening the weapons screen and making the system crawl at it. Couldn't test much with this one and only added the US version for now.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r4921
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [09 August 2010]
Source: Here


  1. BYUU says
    another useless update

  2. and for those who cant wait r4922 is also another useless update
    I wish all emu-authers could do useless updates with every single emulator

  3. @2
    BYUU is your GOD
    fear him and quake in your boots when you hear his name :P

  4. @1
    BYUU is gay with one dice .... go make emulator for DOS u old stone aged BYUU GAY,,,

  5. @#5
    BYUU have all nes emulator
    i am sure these update are useless to him bcuz he have no idea abt what pcsx2 is
    keep up the good work on makind dos emulators hahahahha

  6. why everytime a new pcsx2 update gets released the gay BYUU fan boys comeout to play

  7. Update = progress don't matter how small it is, Its still progress!

  8. byuu byuu and byuu again. . .
    Anyone can't help me?my god of war 1 green . . . .

  9. @#10

    BYUU = The GOD Of DOS games... ancient dos god...

    can i know why do u compare pcsx2 with nes emulator thats just like Donkey challenging HORSE for a race..

  10. @#10

    Select a US BIOS !

  11. Just to understand all this Byuu talk: where Byuu said this? Is there a proof or something, somewhere?

  12. e o emulador de ps3 nao sai rss,

    postei em portugues pq eu sei que tem um monte de BR aqui , so pela boa digitaƧao da lingua inglesa kkk

  13. Wow... Almost 15 comments only about shit(mine included). And then you talk about the progress pcsx2 devs are making. Your comments are really productive. And I guess it is true that even negative publicity is often good.

    This was directed primarily at byuu whatnot's. Idk what to call them anymore.

    Anyways, I just like seeing how the emu is progressing. But also love reading idiotic comments. If it's small update, they shouldn't do anything and stop developing. If they don't do any updates, the project is dead. If there is a major update, it's supposedly doesn't work etc. It's really simple. Like it, use it. Don't like it... Guess what?

    Haters will hate, trolls will be trolls. And I will just chuckle and skip through.

    Regards! :)

  14. BYUU aproves of this update, no...really...

    This BYUU PCSX2 meme is a bit phunny if you ask me.

    And i know, my comment was shit too, sue me.

  15. best emulator ever. dolphin should add custom internal resolution like pcsx2. pcsx2 + kingdom heart + 4096x4096 + samsung LED TV = AMAZING!
    crystal clear. antialiasing is a feature i miss though

  16. STFU or byuu will charge you over the ys origin pc patch ;)

  17. When byuu faces tough coding challenges on BSNES, he relaxes playing a bit of PCSX2 while drinking a cup of organic decaf coffee accompanied by fiber rich cookies with raisins.

    At the PCSX2 help forums he goes by the alias SN3SRUL3Z and asks noob questions every now and then.

  18. Byuu on Steve jobs dead
    I really expected him to linger around for another 5-10 years in declining health. Cancer really does strike fast.

    I follow D's opinion on the matter of deaths: tragedy does not change the legacy of a man.

    Nobody deserves to die, and I sincerely wouldn't wish that even upon my worst enemy.

    However, the fact remains that Steve wasn't a good man. Running that iconic 1984 big brother commercial against IBM, only to become big brother today. I abhor Apple and their anti-consumer, anti-freedom walled gardens; but am saddened to hear this news all the same. May he rest in peace.

    If anything good is to come of this, I hope that Tim Cook will be free to and will work to reverse their closed-off, locked-down approach. Microsoft is already taking after Apple on this regard with their phones and Windows 8 app store; so this could be a real advantage for them. They don't have Jobs, but they can still honor the spirit of Wozniak.

    Aside: if you have stock, sell sell sell. I don't think the company will crash, but you can bet it'll be taking a sharp dive tomorrow.

  19. Mudlord, you have forgotten to take your pills again, doctor said it's the only way to cure your obsession with byuu, remember ?
    Gonna love EmuCR anonymous trolls


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