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EmuCR:PS2 emulatorPCSX2 SVN r2866 is released. PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
Fix the resources' build steps not being run (thanks ltc.inv).
sorta-hack-fix zzogl into linking with libjpeg7 and zlib (having the projects as dependencies is supposed to link to the .libs automatically, isn't it?).
zzogl-pg: Pull a check out of a for loop in Mem.cpp. Break CheckChangeInClut in two. Turn a bit of repeated code in ZeroGS::CRangeManager::Insert into a function. Work on creating a new tex0 struct.
Fix PadSSSPSX building, properly fix ZeroSPU2 and the null plugins too. Remove nullplugin_svnroot.props since it's not used anymore (I misunderstood the way props work).
Silence many of the warnings related to TargetName.
- Improved Path3 Masking, Should fix Sega Superstars Tennis and hopefully improve Star Wars Episode 3 some.
- Fixed bug in the GIF_Tag decoding which caused huge QWC values on GIF if the FIFO was "read" beforehand.
Fix for Eternal Poison video (really this time :P)
There is a current issue with IPU causing videos to cut short, going to need to spend some time checking this
zzogl-pg: Comment out a log message left in accidentally. Move the Gust checkbox on the Windows dialog to not be on top of a button.
zzogl-pg: Fix a few game crashes in Windows. (Reverted a few misc changes in r2833.)
pcsx2: A few misc changes. && != &. zzogl-pg: Comment out a log message that was spamming in Mana Khemia.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r2866
Download: Official Beta Plugins Pack [11 March 2010]


  1. It can be that some Games broken plz report it at:
    ...and not here!

  2. "Yakuza 1" , "Def Jam" NOT WORK...


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