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EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2014/08/20) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!

Xenia Git Changelog:
* Auto swap for a few structs and shifting code around.
* Converting HID API to use be<> auto swapping type.
* Shrinking alloy memory interface so that alloy-sandbox doesn't need xe.
* Removing dead file.
* Fixing build.
* Mostly fixing up alloy clang build.
* Fixing implicit narrow warning.
* clang-format on most of kernel/
* Moving mmap to poly, cleaning up devices.
* Last bit of string cleanup. string.h finally gone.
* More shared header cleanup.
* Header cleanup.
* Removing XEINLINE*.
* XECOUNT to countof.
* Moving around some math macros.
* Starting to remove some macros.
* More string switching.
* More string swapping and cleaning up main().
* Merge pull request #116 from wszechpolak/write-gamer-tile
Add XamUserWriteProfileSettings stub
* Add XamUserWriteProfileSettings stub
* Merge pull request #115 from wszechpolak/write-gamer-tile
Fix XamWriteGamerTile
* Clean
* Fix XamWriteGamerTile to make it support both sync/async requests
* Merge pull request #114 from wszechpolak/write-gamer-tile
Added XamWriteGamerTile - should fix #109
* More string conversion.
* Working on switching to std::string.
* Removing xe_thread_t.
* Removing xe_mutex_t.
* Removing unused crc32/file code from core.
* Cleaning up kernel namespaces.
* Part 2 of kernel cleanup: merging functions into shims.
* Part 1 of kernel simplification/cleanup: removing externs.
* Removing export impl.
* Fixing warnings/bug in NtQueryVirtualMemory.
* Experimenting with xdb API, starting on compare tool.
* Postmortem debug target now loads/scans the trace and inits the filesystem.
* Moving XdbApp under ui::.
* xdb progress; skeleton trace loading.
* Skeleton xdb UI.
* Mostly complete tracing. Probably a lot of bugs.
* Skeleton for xdb.

Download: Xenia Git (2014/08/20)
Source: Here

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