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EmuCR: PS3LoadPS3Load v1.0 is released. PS3Load is a WiiLoad For PS3. PS3Load is a simple app, to allow loading of SELF's on your PS3 via your wireless or home pc network.

PSL1GHT has come a long way since I started it last week as a temporary stop-gap while waiting on trap15 to work on PS3DK. It's quickly become incredibly feature-filled, and full applications are already possible with it!

The other day, PSL1GHT received network support. Just today, PSL1GHT has received SPRX module linking support. SPRX modules are dynamic libraries already installed on your PS3; they provide functionality like setting up the display, managing the controller, playing audio, etc. We could use some devs to come and help us fill in the headers and stubs so we can use all this, but now that it's possible we can call all sorts of useful functions on the PS3!

As an example I wrote a program called PS3Load.

For those familiar with Wiiload and the Homebrew Channel, PS3Load allows you to run SELF programs over your wireless or wired network! To use it, simply run Wiiload (download) with a .self file, and point it to your PS3's IP address.

PS3Load is included in PSL1GHT's samples, but I've also attached a precompiled self for running directly from app_home, and package has now been attached as well!

For the ultimate fun, ps3load ps3load into ps3load so you can ps3load while you ps3load.

Download: ps3load.pkg
Download: ps3load.self


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