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EmuCR:Shmupmame Shmupmame v2.2 is released. Shmupmame is an improved MAME. Shmupmame cuts down on input delay for a lot of drivers for shmups which owns. what also owns is that these drivers include the cps1, cps2, and cps3 drivers which means you can play capcom fighters with less input delay.

This is the fourth release v2.2(based on mameUIFX 140) the build now has lagless support for ketsui, doj and dojbl, the games already had only 2 frames delay, but with this patch it's now down to the absolute minimum in mame (responds on the next frame). I also included the nvram with the default settings, this way you don't have to revert to default when you start the game for the first time. Also, the savestates work well for cave pgm games.

Download: Shmupmame v2.2
Source: Here


  1. why doesnt hiscores work ? It is more important than save states. Please add hiscore.dat support !


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