DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP (2011/06/08) is released. DSP Emulator is a new version of the ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy emulator.
DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP Changelog:
08/06 - DSP Emulator 0.11b3 Released Released DSP 0.11b3. Windows binary and source available (no WIP this time!). This has been one of the most interesting versions. Many updates, more speed on all drivers, a system to cache the graphics drivers that change dynamically the palette, better directory system... Improvements in many drivers, priorities, stability, graphical glitches, but the most significant advances have been the drivers 'Sega System 16A' and 'Irem M72'. 'Shinobi' work at real speed, fixed many graphical glitches. 'R-Type' begins to function better, added controls and fixed sprites. And added the driver 'Time Pilot' with sound.

To conclude this short review, the driver 'Black Tiger' colors are corrected and added priorities (the bridge of the screen 3) that MAME does not emulate yet! |
Download: DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP (2011/06/08)Source: Here
Don't work this version.