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EmuCR: StellaStella v3.9.1 is released. Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator. The Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), introduced in 1977, was the most popular home video game system of the early 1980's. Now you can enjoy all of your favorite Atari 2600 games on your PC thanks to Stella!

Stella v3.9.1 changelog:

* Note: because of TIA/6502 changes, the state file format has changed

again, and old state files will not work with this release.

* Several bugfixes and improvements to the debugger:

- Improved display of debugger when using larger video modes. There

are now three font sizes, which are automatically selected when

the debugger is sized accordingly. When using larger fonts, the

extra space is now used more efficiently.

- Fixed bug in disassembly when the mirror used for the current

PC didn't match the mirror for the current bank. In this case,

the disassembler became confused and didn't properly track the

PC address.

- Fixed bug in display of current TIA frame number in the UI;

depending on how breakpoints were set, it was sometimes off by


- Fixed RAM widget Search/Compare textboxes; entering any data and

then pressing 'Enter' / clicking 'OK' locked the UI until exiting

and re-entering the debugger.

- Changed display for various TIA position counters to decimal

(from hex) in the TIA tab. Related to this, all data input

widgets in the UI now have the ability to enter binary,

decimal or hex values by using the proper leading character

(\, #, $, respectively).

- Added 'INTIM Clks' to the 'I/O' tab. which shows the number of

clocks between each 'step' of the INTIM timer.

- Added ability to modify 'tiadriven' commandline argument to the

'TIA' tab, and 'ramrandom' to the 'I/O' tab. These options were

available for quite some time, but they weren't exposed in the UI.

- Added 'cpurandom' commandline argument, and associated UI item

to the 'I/O' tab. This works similar to 'ramrandom', and

randomizes the contents of the CPU registers on ROM startup.

- Added 'uhex' debugger prompt command, which toggles all

hexadecimal display between upper/lower case. This setting is

also saved in the settings file as argument 'dbg.uhex'.

- Removed 'loadsym' command from the debugger prompt, since the

DASM symbol file is always loaded anyway, making the command

redundant. Related to this, fixed loading symbols with

###.name convention; the leading number is now stripped.

- Added support for DASM lst files (created with the -l option).

For now, the contents are only partially used, to detect

constants vs. symbolic addresses in the symbol file. Eventually,

further information from the lst file may be used.

- The GRPx and PFx registers in the TIA output now show inactive

background pixels as either blanked or with the underlying object

colour, instead of always being black. This gives a more accurate

representation of how the registers are actually drawn onscreen.

Thanks to Tjoppen of AtariAge for this idea and sample code.

- The 'Source Address' locations for the CPU registers now show

labels where appropriate.

* Renamed 'Override properties' dialog (accessible from the ROM

launcher by a right-mouse-button click) to 'Power-on options', with

the following new options:

- Set start-up state for both joysticks as well as console select/

reset buttons. Related to this, added 'holdjoy01' and 'holdjoy1'

commandline arguments, and removed 'holdbutton0' argument.

- The ability to load the ROM directly from this dialog, after

changing any settings, and also to start in the debugger.

- Added more detailed information as to how to use this

functionality to the UI.

- Buttons held down are reset approx. 0.5 seconds after starting

the ROM, to simulate pressing and releasing the buttons on a

real console.

* Fixed bug when using event remapping; changes were being saved only

when launching a ROM from the launcher, not in standalone mode.

* Improved bankswitch autodetection for newer EF and EFSC ROMs

generated by batari Basic, thanks to RevEng of AtariAge.

* Added properties database info for "Princess Rescue" ROM.

* For the Linux/UNIX port:

- Fixed bug whereby a maximize button was always present in the

window title bar. Stella could not be expanded in this way,

so the button was removed.

- Added Startup notification protocol patch to the .desktop

file from Dan Fandrich.

* Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

Download: Stella v3.9.1
Source: Here

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