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EmuCR: DolphinFXDolphinFX v1.50 is released. DolphinFX is a WIP shader suite for Dolphin's OpenGL backend.

Current effects include:
HQ FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing)
NFAA (Normal Filter Anti Aliasing)
High Pass Bloom
Per-Channel Gamma Correction
Scene Tone Mapping
RGB Colour Correction
S-Curve Contrast Enhancement
Texture Sharpening
Toon Shader
Bicubic & Bilinear Filtering
You can enable, or disable each effect from inside the shader file. Everything is customizable. Settings are clearly sectioned, and labeled. Use the documentation comments for instructions on each option.

To Install:
Extract DolphinFX to your Dolphin-> \Sys\Shaders folder. Then enable the shader in the OpenGL graphics options->enhancements->post-processing effect->DolphinFX.

To Edit Settings:
Open DolphinFX.glsl in a text editor. I recommend Notepad++. It will look crazy messy if you use regular notepad to edit. You could also use an IDE to edit it, if you like. You can enable, disable, and customize various options for each effect. The default setup is neutral. Which tries to enhance the game's visuals without changing the overall tone & feel of it. If you're not happy with the default setup, there are plenty of settings to customize everything to your liking.

DolphinFX v1.50 changelog:
FXAA: Improved Lod coverage.
FXAA: Fxaa should now produce no visible blurring whatsoever.
FXAA: Removed Fxaa debug option.
Texture Filtering: Added Bilinear filtering to the list of texture filtering options, for use.
BiCubic Filtering: Improved filtering quality
BiCubic Filtering: Added a strength param as an option, to adjust the overall level of texture filtering.
BiCubic Filtering: Added a cubic interpolation type to the interpolation options. Options are now (lightest, to strongest): CatMullRom, Bell, BSpline, Triangular, Cubic.
Blended Bloom: Some small improvements to the bloom blending output.
Blended Bloom: Added an option to directly control the level of blending to use in the bloom (BlendPower).
Gamma Correction: Implemented a new gamma correction curve to replace the pow function previously used, which I think yields nicer, more accurate results.
Colour Correction: Implemented a new curve for the pre tone mapping colour correction.
Scene Tonemapping: Rewrote alot of the tonemapping code.
Scene Tonemapping: Improved some colour conversion operations.
Scene Tonemapping: Added RGB colour curve options, for Red, Green, and Blue respectively.
Scene Tonemapping: Added filmic tonemapping operations, and a Filmic Tonemapping type, as a tonemap type to choose. The two types are now - Natural(default), and Filmic(cinematic style)
Contrast: Slightly Improved contrast curve type 1.
Texture Sharpening: Updated the texture sharpening. Fixed an oversight bug, and improved sharpen quality
Texture Sharpening: Added a new bicubic based sharpening type with highly improved edge detection. It's a little bit slower than the original though.
Cel Shading: Changed the cel edge thickness option from a bool, to float, to allow arbitrary edge thickness values.
Cel Shading: Improved some colour conversion operations.
Scanlines: Improved the scanlines output a bit.
Effects: Added Post-Complement Colour Grading, as an effect to choose.
Effects: Added Vignette as an effect to choose.
Effects: Added Subpixel Dithering as an effect to choose.
Generic: Overall general coding cleanup, and improvements
Generic: Updated effect options & descriptions.

Download: DolphinFX v1.50
Source: Here

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