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EmuCR: SDLVICE WinVICE v2.3.18 is released. WinVICE is a program that executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

WinVICE v2.3.18 Changelog:

Did a 'make trans-update'.

Did a 'make update-po'.

AddAdded cbm2/cbm5x0 cartridge support to the os/2 gui.

Added plus4 cartridge support to the os/2 gui.

Updated the cbm2/cbm5x0 model selection in the os/2 gui.

Made the os/2 port use the cbm5x0 ui shutdown call.

Made the os/2 port use the cbm5x0 ui init call.

Split the xcbm2/xcbm5x0 menu in the os/2 gui.

Replaced references to vsid_mode with machine_class == VICE_MACHINE_VSID in the os/2 port.

Split off vsid for the os/2 port.

Fixed some ifdefs.

Added myself to the log startup message of the os/2 port.

Removed duplicate ieee488 interface item from the os/2 gui.

WinVice DEV 2.3.18[SVN 25647]

Removed get_pet_model() since it is no longer used.

Updated the pet model selection in the os/2 gui.

Some os/2 fixes.

Added c128 model selection to the os/2 gui.

Extended the CIA model selection in the os/2 gui to include x128, xcbm2 and xcbm5x0.

Added retro replay settings to the os/2 gui.

Added border mode, sound output mode, 3rd sid, and drive sound support to the os/2 gui.

Added burst mod support to the os/2 gui.

Changed IDE64 HDx to primary/secondary master/slave in the os/2 gui.

Added fd2000/4000 support to the os/2 gui.

Added c64dtv model selection to the os/2 gui.

Fixed a resource issue that would make x64dtv fail when starting from a read-only media.

Change the tabular "emulation" of the 6702 dongle into an algorithmic one.
Also make sure that the mem6809_{read,store}{16,32} functions index the _mem6809_{read,write}_tab_ptr array according to the incremented addresses.

Added plus4 model selection support to the os/2 gui.

Added vertical stretch support to the os/2 gui.

Updated the os/2 video settings gui items.

Added autostart random delay to the os/2 gui.

Added IDE64 geometry settings dialog to the os/2 gui.

Added MasC=uerade support to the os/2 gui, and fixed the sfx sound expander ghosting.

2 minor BeOS UI fixes.

Attempt at a fix for the os/2 video dialog.

macjoy: allow to store min/max range of each axis. detect now adjusts to real min/max values.

macjoy: auto adjust axis range if it was reported wrong

Yet more svn properties fixes.

Clean up BeVICE window creation/resizing code, fixing multiple bugs/issues.

More svn properties fixes.

Some grammar fixes.

macosx: small layout fix

macosx: fixed stereo SID for x64sc

macosx: added support of logical axis values for HID joystick

Unbroke BeVICE compile and debugged mouse driver.

Updated for the updated es.po file.

Fixed ocean cart bank wrap, patch supplied by Uffe Jakobsen.

Applied patch from viceminus, untested, but should fix bug #3522267.


Updated for updated sv.po file.

Update Swedish translation (2425t0f0u).

Added support for sidcart and digiblaster to the os/2 gui.

Added extra joystick support to the os/2 gui.

Fixed watcom project files to correctly use the menubar per emulator.

Fixed the os/2 project files to correctly define __XCBM2__, __XCBM5X0__ and __X64SC__.

second attempt to combat bug #3515956

remove useless check

fix access of free'd memory

fix warning

hotfix missing format argument

Updated for the updated pl.po file.

Fixed a typo.


Allow SuperPET to get back from 6809 mode to 6502 mode via the switch.

Add dual IEEE drive types to c64 and c128 menus for device #10.

Apparently on some systems, MIT-SHM works for our purposes even if it indicates that no "shared pixmaps" are available. If so, don't let this stop our use of SHM.

Fixed a size issue in the windows retro replay dialog.

Fixed a size issue in the windows drive dialog.

Fixed some more os/2 menu issues.

Fixed the Fixed os/2 SFX gui elements toggle problems.

Fixed os/2 easyflash gui element toggle problems.

Fixed the os/2 mouse problems when compiled with ow.

Fixed size issues in the os/2 datasette settings dialog.

Fixed a text cut off issue in the os/2 drive dialog.

Make windows msvc and ow builds compile with dynlib support.

Added some FIXME's.

Download: WinVICE v2.3.18 x86
Source: Here


  1. will wait for a stable release

  2. so why is the previous post #1 now deleted...
    it was about a new version of Sidplay/w 2.6 ...
    but also in the same time some posts on pcsx2 topic that don't deserve to be there are not deleted...really guys, why !!!

  3. Great emu, but Ill always prefer ccs64 all the way...

  4. Why on Earth you will prefer CCS64?


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