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EmuCR: UME UME Git (2015/01/27) is compiled. UME (Universal Machine Emulator) combines the features of MAME and MESS into a single multi-purpose emulator. The project represents a natural course of development for the emulators which already share large amounts of code and is part of an ongoing effort to unify development efforts and provide a single emulation platform for users and developers alike.

UME Git Changelog:
* h8make: Fix function definition of description(). (nw)
* make sure that controller devices don't get duplicate descriptions
in listxml output. nw.
* cps1.c: cworld2ja actually uses Q529B PAL & IOB1 for that matter - NW
* cps1.c: cworld2ja actually uses Q529B PAL - NW
* Fix compile for Windows/non-sdl. (nw)
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mamedev/mame.git
* new clones
Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 90629B-3, no battery) [manimani]
* Merge pull request #106 from felipesanches/banctec
Adding a skeleton driver for the Banctec ESeries panel

Download: UME Git (2015/01/27) x86
Download: UME Git (2015/01/27) x64
Source: Here

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