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EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsCxbx Reloaded Git (2017/11/06) is compiled. Cxbx-Reloaded is an emulator for running Microsoft Xbox (and eventually, Chihiro) games on Microsoft Windows. The project began life as a fork of Cxbx with added 64-bit support. Work is currently underway to backport some of the improvements from Dxbx. Cxbx-Reloaded is still pretty unstable, don't expect it to run much at this point.

Cxbx Reloaded Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #785 from RadWolfie/DSound_Database
Another DSound Improvements
* Fix XWaveFileCreateMediaObjectEx's LOG_FUNC output
* Fix XFileCreateMediaObject's LOG_FUNC output
* Add DSound Stubs
* Add Locking offset 0x00
* Add DSound 4134 OOVPAs
Add CMcpxVoiceClient_SetLFO 4134
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_SetLFO 4242 to 4134
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_SetEG 4242 to 4134
Verified with
- [4134] Double-S.T.E.A.L
- [4242] NFL Blitz 2002
* Add DSound 4039 OOVPAs
Add CDirectSound_SetAllParameters 4039
Add CDirectSound_SetMixBinHeadroom 4039
Verified with
- [4039] Azurik PAL
* Add DSound 4039, 4134 OOVPAs
Add CDirectSoundBuffer_PlayEx 4039
Add CDirectSoundBuffer_SetNotificationPositions 4039
Add CDirectSoundStream_SetFormat 4039
Add CDirectSoundStream_SetHeadroom 4039
Add CDirectSoundStream_SetI3DL2Source 4039
Add CDirectSoundVoice_SetFormat 4039
Add CDirectSound_EnableHeadphones 4134
Add CMcpxBuffer_Play 4039
Add CMcpxBuffer_Play2 4134
Add CMcpxBuffer_Stop2 4134
Add IDirectSoundStream_SetHeadroom 4039
Add IDirectSound_CommitEffectData 4039
Add IDirectSound_GetEffectData 4039
Add IDirectSound_SetEffectData 4039
Add IsValidFormat 4039
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_PlayEx 4361 to 4134
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_SetNotificationPositions 4134 to 4242
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_StopEx 4361 to 4134
Moved CDirectSoundStream_FlushEx 4627 to 4134
Moved CDirectSoundStream_SetFormat 4242 to 4134
Moved CDirectSoundVoice_SetFormat 4242 to 4039
Moved CDirectSoundVoice_SetFormat 4242 to 4134
Moved CMcpxBuffer_Play2 4134 to 4039
Moved DirectSoundCreateBuffer 4242 to 4134
Moved IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat 4242 to 4039
Moved IDirectSoundStream_FlushEx 4627 to 4134
Moved IDirectSoundStream_SetFormat 4242 to 4039
Moved XAudioDownloadEffectsImage 4361 to 4134
Verified with
- [4039] Azurik PAL
- [4134] Double-S.T.E.A.L
- [4242] NFL Blitz 2002
* Flush Disabled 3936 OOVPAs
* Mark DSound 5558 Lib Done
* Final Add DSound OOVPAs
- Add CDirectSoundVoice_Set3DVoiceData to 5558
- Add CDirectSoundBuffer_Set3DVoiceData to 5558
- Add CDirectSoundStream_Set3DVoiceData to 5558
- Add CDirectSound_MapBufferData to 5344
- Add CDirectSound_UnmapBufferData to 5344
- Add IDirectSoundBuffer_Set3DVoiceData to 5558
- Add IDirectSound_MapBufferData to 5344
- Add IDirectSound_UnmapBufferData to 5344
- Add XAudioSetEffectData to 5344
- Add XFileCreateMediaObject to 5344
- Add XWaveFileCreateMediaObjectEx to 5344
NOTE: Need to make some stub functions.
Verified with
- [5558] Dino Crisis 3
* Add DSound OOVPAs
- Add CMcpxVoiceClient_GetVoiceProperties to 5344
- Add CDirectSoundVoice_GetVoiceProperties to 5344
- Add CDirectSoundBuffer_GetVoiceProperties to 5344
- Add IDirectSoundBuffer_GetVoiceProperties to 5344
- Add CDirectSoundStream_GetVoiceProperties to 5344
- Add IDirectSoundStream_GetVoiceProperties to 5344
- Add CDirectSound3DCalculator_GetVoiceData to 5344
- Add IDirectSound3DCalculator_GetVoiceData to 5344
- Add CDirectSound3DCalculator_GetPanData to 5344
- Add IDirectSound3DCalculator_GetPanData to 5344
- Add CDirectSound3DCalculator_GetMixBinVolumes to 5344
- Add IDirectSound3DCalculator_GetMixBinVolumes to 5344
- Add CDirectSound3DCalculator_Calculate3D to 5344
- Add IDirectSound3DCalculator_Calculate3D to 5344
NOTE: There are no stubs for these APIs.
* More DSound Cleanup
Add [5558] Dino Crisis 3, verified with full library found, to list.
* Fix DSound EmuPatch Functions' API
- Corrected all DSound EMUPATCH functions' API
- Add CDirectSoundStream_PauseEx and IDirectSoundStream_PauseEx
* Fix DS 3DBuffer Creation From Correct DS Buffer
Plus remove unnecessary temporary buffer creation.
* Lowering Some OOVPAs
- Rename DS_CMemoryManager_PoolAlloc to DSound_CMemoryManager_PoolAlloc
- Rename DS_CRefCount_AddRef to DSound_CRefCount_AddRef
- Rename DS_CRefCount_Release to DSound_CRefCount_Release
- Moved CMcpxBuffer_SetBufferData 5788 to 5455
- Moved CDirectSoundVoiceSettings_SetMixBins 5558 to 5455
- Moved CDirectSoundVoice_CommitDeferredSettings 5558 to 5455
- DSound_CMemoryManager_PoolAlloc 5788 to 5455
NOTE: Ghost Recon: Island Thunder has issue with intro. If press start
buttton on controller, it will go into main menu.
Verified with
- [5455] Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
* More DSound Clean Up
TODO: XAudioDownloadEffectsImage 5558 has same OOVPA as 4361. Need
investigate more of reason why this false detection occur.
* DSound Database Cleanup Begin
Since so many duplicate OOVPAs has been found.
I am starting with clean up process for DSound database.
Thus narrowing down necessary of workload to research and add missing
* Fix Loop/Play Region Length Requirement
This should resolve CreateSoundBuffer Failed message for JSRF.
Resolve Cxbx-Reloaded/Cxbx-Reloaded#780
* So much changes. Need to re-review (twice)
- Add CDirectSound_CommitDeferredSettings to 5455 (Generic OOVPA)
- Add CDirectSoundBuffer_SetBufferData to 4134 (Generic OOVPA, replaced
original 4134)
- Add DS_CRefCount_Release to 5455
- Add CMcpxStream_Flush to 5344 and 5455
- Add CDirectSound_EnableHeadphones to 5455
- Add CMcpxStream_Discontinuity to 5344 and 5455
- Add CMcpxStream_GetStatus to 5344
- Add CMcpxVoiceClient_SetMixBins to 5344
- Add CDirectSound_SetI3DL2Listener to 5455
- Add CHRTFSource_SetFullHRTF5Channel to 5344
- Add CHRTFSource_SetLightHRTF5Channel to 5344
- Add CHRTFSource_SetFullHRTF4Channel to 5344
- Add CHRTFSource_SetLightHRTF4Channel to 5344
- Add DirectSoundUseLightHRTF to 5344
- Add DirectSoundUseFullHRTF4Channel to 5344
- Add DirectSoundUseLightHRTF4Channel to 5344
- Update CDirectSound_SetMixBinHeadroom 4134 (To enable support generic
OOVPA for 5455 and newer)
- Replaced CDirectSoundVoice_SetI3DL2Source in 5344
- Replaced CDirectSound_SetRolloffFactor in 5344
- Replaced CDirectSound_SetDopplerFactor in 5344
- Replaced CDirectSound_SetDistanceFactor in 5344
- Replaced CDirectSound_SetI3DL2Listener in 5344
- Fixed CDirectSound_SetPosition 5344
- Fixd CDirectSound_SetVelocity 5344
- Removed CDirectSoundBuffer_SetBufferData from 5558 (false detection)
and 5788 (alias)
- Removed IDirectSoundBuffer_SetBufferData from 5558 and 5788
- Removed CDirectSound_CommitDeferredSettings from 5558 and 5788
* Fixed Found/Skipped Message
* Introduce DSound 5455 File
* Remove Leftover Linkage
Since these files doesn't exist these shouldn't be here.

Download: Cxbx Reloaded Git (2017/11/06)
Source: Here

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