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#CSpect v3.0.1.0 is released. #CSpect is a ZXSpectrum emulator by Mike Dailly.

#CSpect changeglog:
Fixed ULA top/bottom rendering
Crash on exit fixed - I think. Please let me know
Fixed a small memory leak
Fixed a crash when ULA/Layer2 blending was enabled before Layer2 was.
Fixed a crash in 16 colour tilmaps
Fixed Layer2 palettes
Fixed Windows Right mouse button
Fixed Sprite Window plugin not re-opening.
Mac mouse still broken
crashing on exit. (Sometimes)
Fixed a Layer2 clipping crash.
Fixed Layer 2 window clipping
Copper Plugin updated to have register names (CTRL+ALT+C)
ESCAPE now works in non BASIC key mode (when -esc used on the command line) (presses and releases SHIFT+1 together)
SNX files now enable ZXNEXT mode
SNX files now setup next registers the same as a .NEX file
NextReg $6E now reads correctly
NextReg $6F now reads correctly
NextReg $34 now reads correctly
NextReg $28 now reads correctly
Fixed 640x256 clipping
Copper Disassembler updated with register names and new fixed font and colours.
Added "-threaded" command line option to enable the threaded renderer - may speed up, may slow down...
Fixed sprites disappearing
Added the missing file "OpenTK.dll.config", which stopped it working on MacOS and Linux.
Fixed debugger memory access lookup for +IX) and +IY) opcodes
Fixed timex rendering
New bundling/packaging tool being used
Fixed Layer2 320x256 right clip window
Fixed Sprites over the border
Fixed Tilemap rendering
Fixed ULA windowing when XScroll=0
Fixed Timex border
*New packaging tool - in case something is missing.
Major internal restructuring to allow for API porting
Fixed a crash when the debugger "command" was just spaces
Major internal restructuring of mouse code to allow for custom Mac dynamiclib
Major cross the board rendering optimisations, which will result in emulation breaking in some (many?) cases
Major Z80 emulation optimisations which may also result in emulation failures.
*Known issue with mac mouse when moving away and back to the window.

Download: #CSpect v3.0.1.0

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