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izapple2 v2.2 is released. Portable emulator of an Apple II+ or //e. Written in Go.

Current Features:
Apple ][+ with 48Kb of base RAM
Apple //e with 128Kb of RAM
Apple //e enhanced with 128Kb of RAM
Base64A clone with 48Kb of base RAM and paged ROM
Basis 108 clone (partial)
16 Sector 5 1/4 diskettes. Uncompressed or compressed witth gzip or zip. Supported formats:
NIB (read only)
WOZ 1.0 or 2.0 (read only)
13 Sector 5 1/4 diskettes. Uncompressed or compressed witth gzip or zip. Supported formats:
NIB (read only)
WOZ 2.0 (read only)
3.5 disks in PO or 2MG format
Hard disk in HDV or 2MG format with ProDOS and SmartPort support
Emulated extension cards:
DiskII controller (state machine based for WOZ files)
16Kb Language Card
256Kb Saturn RAM
Parallel Printer Interface card
1Mb Memory Expansion Card (slinky)
RAMWorks style expansion Card (up to 16MB additional) (Apple //e only)
ThunderClock Plus real time clock
Apple //e 80 columns card with 64Kb extra RAM and optional RGB modes
No Slot Clock based on the DS1216
Videx Videoterm 80 column card with the Videx Soft Video Switch (Apple ][+ only)
SwyftCard (Apple //e only)
Brain Board
Brain Board II
MultiROM card
Dan ][ Controller card
ProDOS ROM card
Useful cards not emulating a real card
Bootable SmartPort / ProDOS card with the following smartport devices:
Block device (hard disks)
Fujinet network device (supports only http(s) with GET and JSON)
Fujinet clock (not in Fujinet upstream)
VidHd, limited to the ROM signature and SHR as used by Total Replay, only for //e models with 128Kb
FASTChip, limited to what Total Replay needs to set and clear fast mode
Mouse Card, emulates the entry points, not the softswitches.
Host console card. Maps the host STDIN and STDOUT to PR# and IN#
ROMXe, limited to font switching
Graphic modes:
Text 40 columns
Text 80 columns (Apple //e and Videx VideoTerm)
Low-Resolution graphics
Double-Width Low-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only)
High-Resolution graphics
Double-Width High-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only)
Super High Resolution (VidHD only)
Mixed mode
RGB card text 40 columns with 16 colors for foreground and background (mixable)
RGB card mode 11, mono 560x192
RGB card mode 12, ntsc 160*192
RGB card mode 13, ntsc 140*192 (regular DHGR)
RGB card mode 14, mix of modes 11 and 13 on the fly
Green monochrome monitor with half width pixel support
NTSC Color TV (extracting the phase from the mono signal)
RGB for Super High Resolution and RGB card
ANSI Console, avoiding the SDL2 dependency
Debug mode: shows four panels with actual screen, page1, page2 and extra info dependant of the video mode
Tracing capabilities:
CPU execution disassembled
Softswitch reads and writes
ProDOS MLI calls
Apple Pascal BIOS calls
SmartPort commands
BBC MOS calls when using Applecorn
Other features:
Joystick support. Up to two joysticks or four paddles
Mouse support. No mouse capture needed
Adjustable speed
Fast disk mode to set max speed while using the disks
Single file executable with embedded ROMs and DOS 3.3
Pause (thanks a2geek)
Passes the A2AUDIT 1.06 tests as II+, //e, and //e Enhanced.
Partial pass ot the ProcessorTests for 6502 and 65c02. Failing test 6502/v1/20_55_13; flags N anv V issues with ADC; and missing some undocumented 6502 opcodes.
By default the following configuration is launched:
Enhanced Apple //e with 65c02 processor
RAMWorks card with 80 column, RGB (with Video7 modes) and 8Gb RAM in aux slot
Parallel print inteface in slot 1
VidHD card (SHR support) in slot 2
FASTChip Accelerator card in slot 3
Mouse card in slot 4
SmartPort card with 1 device in slot 5 (if an image is provided with -disk35)
DiskII controller card in slot 6
SmartPort card with 1 device in slot 7 (if an image is provided with -hd)Models:
Apple ][+ with 48Kb of base RAM
Apple //e with 128Kb of RAM
Apple //e enhanced with 128Kb of RAM
Base64A clone with 48Kb of base RAM and paged ROM
Basis 108 clone (partial)
16 Sector 5 1/4 diskettes. Uncompressed or compressed witth gzip or zip. Supported formats:
NIB (read only)
WOZ 1.0 or 2.0 (read only)
13 Sector 5 1/4 diskettes. Uncompressed or compressed witth gzip or zip. Supported formats:
NIB (read only)
WOZ 2.0 (read only)
3.5 disks in PO or 2MG format
Hard disk in HDV or 2MG format with ProDOS and SmartPort support
Emulated extension cards:
DiskII controller (state machine based for WOZ files)
16Kb Language Card
256Kb Saturn RAM
Parallel Printer Interface card
1Mb Memory Expansion Card (slinky)
RAMWorks style expansion Card (up to 16MB additional) (Apple //e only)
ThunderClock Plus real time clock
Apple //e 80 columns card with 64Kb extra RAM and optional RGB modes
No Slot Clock based on the DS1216
Videx Videoterm 80 column card with the Videx Soft Video Switch (Apple ][+ only)
SwyftCard (Apple //e only)
Brain Board
Brain Board II
MultiROM card
Dan ][ Controller card
ProDOS ROM card
Useful cards not emulating a real card
Bootable SmartPort / ProDOS card with the following smartport devices:
Block device (hard disks)
Fujinet network device (supports only http(s) with GET and JSON)
Fujinet clock (not in Fujinet upstream)
VidHd, limited to the ROM signature and SHR as used by Total Replay, only for //e models with 128Kb
FASTChip, limited to what Total Replay needs to set and clear fast mode
Mouse Card, emulates the entry points, not the softswitches.
Host console card. Maps the host STDIN and STDOUT to PR# and IN#
ROMXe, limited to font switching
Graphic modes:
Text 40 columns
Text 80 columns (Apple //e and Videx VideoTerm)
Low-Resolution graphics
Double-Width Low-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only)
High-Resolution graphics
Double-Width High-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only)
Super High Resolution (VidHD only)
Mixed mode
RGB card text 40 columns with 16 colors for foreground and background (mixable)
RGB card mode 11, mono 560x192
RGB card mode 12, ntsc 160*192
RGB card mode 13, ntsc 140*192 (regular DHGR)
RGB card mode 14, mix of modes 11 and 13 on the fly
Green monochrome monitor with half width pixel support
NTSC Color TV (extracting the phase from the mono signal)
RGB for Super High Resolution and RGB card
ANSI Console, avoiding the SDL2 dependency
Debug mode: shows four panels with actual screen, page1, page2 and extra info dependant of the video mode
Tracing capabilities:
CPU execution disassembled
Softswitch reads and writes
ProDOS MLI calls
Apple Pascal BIOS calls
SmartPort commands
BBC MOS calls when using Applecorn
Other features:
Joystick support. Up to two joysticks or four paddles
Mouse support. No mouse capture needed
Adjustable speed
Fast disk mode to set max speed while using the disks
Single file executable with embedded ROMs and DOS 3.3
Pause (thanks a2geek)
Passes the A2AUDIT 1.06 tests as II+, //e, and //e Enhanced.
Partial pass ot the ProcessorTests for 6502 and 65c02. Failing test 6502/v1/20_55_13; flags N anv V issues with ADC; and missing some undocumented 6502 opcodes.
By default the following configuration is launched:
Enhanced Apple //e with 65c02 processor
RAMWorks card with 80 column, RGB (with Video7 modes) and 8Gb RAM in aux slot
Parallel print inteface in slot 1
VidHD card (SHR support) in slot 2
FASTChip Accelerator card in slot 3
Mouse card in slot 4
SmartPort card with 1 device in slot 5 (if an image is provided with -disk35)
DiskII controller card in slot 6
SmartPort card with 1 device in slot 7 (if an image is provided with -hd)

izapple2 Changelog:
Support for the Softcard Z80 an CP/M
Trace of BDOS calls in CP/M
Teace of CPM-65 BIOS and BDOS calls
Experimental ebitengine based frontend
Videx Ultraterm support
Fix space converted to ampersand

Download: izapple2 v2.2

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