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EmuCR:GiiBii GiiBii v0.3 is released. GiiBii is a Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Super Game Boy emulator for the Wii programmed by AntoniaND.

GiiBii v0.3 Changelog:
-Dissasembler fixes.
-Debugger screen now gets focus when reaching a breakpoint.
-Changed to OpenGL, allowed 3x zoom. Fullscreen mode is buggy, sometimes it crash when returning to windowed mode… :S
-Rumble “emulated” (screen shakes a bit).
-MBC7 fixed (Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble).
-Mapper code optimized a bit.
-Stat bug emulated (Legend of Zerd, Road Rash now work in non-color GameBoy modes).
-GameBoy Pocket screen is now white, you can only change the color of the normal GameBoy screen.
-Sound emulation code partially optimized. Also, it is more accurate now (and it can save the sound output to a wav file, but the code is disabled this version because it needs testing).
-CPU fixes: Zero flag for opcodes RRA / RR A, RCLA / RCL A, etc…
-Added a filter to make colors more “realistic”. You can enable it in the menu, and you can also enable or disable the frame mix filter that comes with GiiBii since first version.
-Discovered why Alleyway didn’t work: GB Printer was enabled Ù_Ú.
-Fixed a bug in ICON_EN SGB command that made graphics have serious glitches in some games (DK2, DK3).

Download: GiiBii v0.3


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