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EmuCR: PSXjinPSXjin SVN r719 is released. PSXjin is a PSX emulator with Rerecording features using pcsx core. It is intended to be an evolution of the outdated pcsx-rr with a new SPU core.

PSXjin SVN Changelog:
update SubWCRev (and .dll deps) to work correctly with newer releases of TortiseSVN

Download: PSXjin SVN r719
Source: Here


  1. My pc: intel core2duo:win7-32bit:dx11:ati-3470
    And sey:dx required? not 1 game work :/
    all the others emus work.

  2. your problem is software related, not hardware related
    just download the latest directx from microsoft and your problem will be solved

  3. Anonymous1
    I have the dx11 updated...maybe if I Downgrade to dx10
    but I dont have this in mind...


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