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EmuCR: SS EmulatorsYabause Git (2015/08/16) is compiled. Yabause is a Sega Saturn Emulator(SS Emulator) for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.

Yabause Git Changelog:
* Moved variable declarations at beginning of blocks
* FIX: regression VIDOGLVdp1DistortedSpriteDraw at hi-res mode
* treat mesh as transparent on DrawPolygon command
* Add function Normal Shadow
* Expand polygon when it is square.
* Better line polygon generation
* expand proygon when it is square( just for gurdian heros )
* Scu changes from devmiyax repository
This should fix missing sprites in Dead or Alive
* Removed old piece of code
We used SDL for our rendering code 10 years ago, but we didn't anymore.
The include was still here, waiting to bite into your hand.
* Removed Xrandr detection for OSX
This fix compilation and runtime problems.
This code was never really meant for OSX anyways :)

Download: Yabause Git (2015/08/16)
Source: Here


  1. Thank you for the work done
    pc relives thanks to this emulator
    dead or alive works well, still some bug
    thank you again to be reborn hits the SATURN
    SEGA is not dead, not on pc anyway
    and thank you to developpers

  2. I hate to tell you but the developers do not read emucr at all.

    Emucr team, I am disappointed in you that you didn't complied MAC OS X version as well. Can you do that too or you do not have MAC OS X ? That would explained why you cannot complied it.

  3. Looks like the software renderer killed.


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