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EmuCR: mGBAmGBA Git (2016/02/14) is compiled. mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.

* Near full Game Boy Advance hardware support[1].
* Fast emulation. Known to run at full speed even on low end hardware, such as netbooks.
* Qt and SDL ports for a heavy-weight and a light-weight frontend.
* Save type detection, even for flash memory size[2].
* Real-time clock support, even without configuration.
* A built-in BIOS implementation, and ability to load external BIOS files.
* Turbo/fast-forward support by holding Tab.
* Frameskip, configurable up to 9.
* Screenshot support.
* 9 savestate slots. Savestates are also viewable as screenshots.
* Video and GIF recording.
* Remappable controls for both keyboards and gamepads.
* Loading from ZIP files.
* IPS and UPS patch support.
* Game debugging via a command-line interface (not available with Qt port) and GDB remote support.

mGBA Git Changelog:
* GB Video: Optimize renderer
* 3DS: Fix GB build
* All: Update CHANGES
* GB Audio: Minor channel 3 revamp
* Qt: Fix SDL audio crash
* Qt: More GB bringup
* GBA: Restore savestates
* Core: Logging cleanup
* GB Audio: Fix NR41 while disabled
* GB Audio: Type cleanup
* GB Audio: Channel 3 cleanup
* GBA: Remove some dead code
* GBA: Kill GBALog
* GB Audio: Reduce redundant GB NR52 code
* SDL: Set default volume
* GB: More audio fixes
* GB: Add back volume
* Qt: GBA refactoring and cleanup
* GBA Thread: Kill GBAThread
* OpenGL: Rename GBAGL to mGL
* SDL: Remove GBAThread reference
* Core: Put back fpsTarget
* GB: More audio fixes
* Core: Put back sync handling in _waitUntilNotState
* Qt: Fix hang if audio sync is enabled and audio fails to initialize
* Qt: Fix sending gameStopped twice
* GB Audio: Re-optimize a bit
* GBA Test: Fix gba-fuzz
* Core: Add core.setAudioBufferSize
* Qt: Fix some config regressions
* OpenGL: Make video dimensions customizable
* GB Core: Add dummied-out BIOS loader
* GBA Core: Fix override loading from foreign configs
* OpenGL: Fix aspect ratio calculation for gles2
* Qt: Use mLog instead of GBALog
* Core: Create mThreadLogger
* Qt: GB game loading
* Core: Add mCoreFind
* Core: Add mCore.getGameTitle
* Qt: Sloppy first pass at refactor
* Core: Minor preparatory work
* Core: Refactor GBAAVStream into mAVStream
* Debugger: Begin refactoring ARMDebugger into Debugger
* Core: Merge ARMComponent and LR35902Component
* Core: Add back screenshots
* GBA Core: Only associate renderer if it has an output buffer
* Debugger: Update createDebugger
* GBA Core: Fix BIOS loading
* Test: Move to mCoreThread
* GBA: Kill GBAContext
* GBA Test: Disuse GBAContext
* Core, GUI, Platform: Disuse GBAContext
* GB: Move DMG_LR35902_FREQUENCY for GBA build
* Res: Update year in Windows rc
* Core: Fix some issues with various threading builds
* SDL: Fix audio sync
* GB Audio: More fixes
* GB Memory: Fix bank switching overflow case
* Libretro: Convert to mCore
* GBA Core: Add loadBIOS
* Core: Add ability to set default logger
* OpenEmu: Convert to using mCore
* GB Video: Fix strange window y behavior when paritally disabled
* GB Video: Fix LYC for scanline 0
* GB Video: Fix LYC in VBlank
* GB: Add patch support
* GB Audio: Small audio fixes
* GB Audio: Begin rewrite of frame counting
* GB IO: Fill in more registers
* GB Video: Fix oam-bug 1
* GB Audio: Miscellaneous fixes
* GB Audio: Fix wrong register being updated with playing state
* GB: Actually fix EI this time
* SDL: More video refactoring, fix scaling and aspect ratio locking
* Video: Remove assumption about video backend dimensions
* SDL: Add back patch loading
* SDL: Remove mSDLRunGBA
* Core: Refactor config loading in mCore
* Core: Add state manipulation back
* GBA: Add GBACore
* Core: Add patch loading stub
* SDL: More refactoring
* SDL: Add missing call to mCoreThreadJoin
* Core: Clean up ROM loading
* GB Video: Remove unused functions
* Core: Add mCoreThread
* GB IO: Fix I/O category name in logs
* SDL: Refactor GBASDLEvents and GBASDLPlayer into mSDLEvents and mSDLPlayer
* Core: Add category names
* GB: First pass at audio refactor
* Core: Merge color_t definitions in
* GB: MBC4 does not exist, but MBC6 does
* GB: Add RTC support to MBC3
* Core: Add mRTCGenericSource
* Core: Refactor GBAInput into mInput
* Core: Refactor several input callbacks
* Core: Refactor GBAConfig into mCoreConfig
* Core: Refactor GBASync into mCoreSync
* Core: Refactor GBADirectorySet into mDirectorySet
* Core: Add missing files
* GB Video: Change to dot-based renderer
* GB Memory: Add SRAM bank switching to MBC5
* GB Video: OAM STAT can even happen in mode 1
* GB: Fix DIV reseting timing
* GB IO: Unstub SCY and SCX reads
* GB: Fix DIV reset
* GB Memory: Bypass GBStore8 for DMA
* GB Video: Register LYC during Vblank
* LR35902: Fix RST timing
* LR35902: Fix IRQ timing
* GB: Fix DI
* GB Memory: REALLY fix DMA timing this time
* SDL: Initialize a missing variable
* LR35902: Add missing M-state to CALL
* Core: Start adding mCore
* GB Video: Fix underflow
* GB Memory: More logging
* GB IO: Unstub reading STAT
* SDL: Center GB screen
* GB Video: Fix disabled Obj
* GB Video: Fix WX
* GB: Partially fix timers
* GB: Delay EI
* GB: CPU can still decode instructions during DMAs
* LR35902: Fix RST return address
* LR35902: Fix CALL M-state order
* LR35902: Fix RET timing without condition
* LR35902: Fix RET timing
* GB: Fix uninitialized sramBank variable
* LR35902: Fill in illegal opcodes
* GB: More logging
* LR35902: Fix IRQs and RST
* GB: Clean up some unused stuff
* GB: Make sure save files are large enough
* GB: Add basic logging support
* SDL: GB saving working
* SDL: Fix crashing on GB game exit
* GB Video: Fix initialization
* GB Video: Sprite enhancements
* GB Memory: Add MBC7 stubs
* GB: Save support
* LR35902: Fix timing on BIT
* GB: Fix HALT
* GB Video: Fix sprite palettes
* GB Video: Fix window y
* GB Memory: Fix DMA timing
* LR35902: Fix a bunch of flags
* LR35902: Fix DAA
* GB Video: Implement LYC
* Test: Remove GB test harness
* GB: Implement sprites, SRAM
* LR35902: No writeback for BIT
* GB Memory: Implement DMA
* SDL: Add SDL_QUIT for GB runloop
* GB Video: Add window support
* GB IO: Mark some registers as transparently handled
* GB: Fix keys
* GB Video: Add basic scrolling support
* LR35902: Mostly fix DAA
* LR35902: Fix C flag in SRA
* LR35902: Fix a bunch of flag updates
* GB Video: Draw top scanline
* LR35902: Fix a ton of Z flags
* LR35902: Implement DAA
* GB: Fix div timer
* LR35902: Popping AF should clear unused F bits
* GB IO: Speculative keypad fix
* GB IO: Unused MMIO bits read high
* LR35902: Fix RES/SET/BIT HL
* LR35902: Fix LD (HL) instructions
* LR35902: Implement LD (a16), SP and ADD SP, r8
* GB: Fix some initializations
* LR35902: Implement LD SP, HL and LD HL, SP+r8
* GB: Start on timers
* GB: Fix IRQs firing infinitely
* SDL: More refactoring
* LR35902: Implement RRCA and RRA
* GB IO: Implement key reading
* LR35902: Fix IRQ raising
* LR35902: Implement bitwise instructions, RST
* GB Video: Initial rendering work
* GB Memory: VRAM access
* GB IO: Pass more video registers to the video renderer
* LR35902: Fix ADD HL instructions
* GB: Start work on video rendering
* LR35902: Fix pack pop pragma
* GB IO: Add missing function declaration
* LR35902: Implement HALT, RETI and CPL
* LR35902: Implement SCF and CCF
* LR35902: Increment double-wide adds
* LR35902: Implement remaining ALU instructions
* GB Video: Fix event timing on LCD enable
* GB: Improve initialization
* GB: Revamp STAT register
* GB: Start MBCs
* LR35902: Implement more LD A memory instructions
* GB: Fix ROM bank initialization
* LR35902: Implement INC/DEC
* LR35902: Implement POP/PUSH
* LR35902: Improve stalling behavior
* LR35902: Increment INC and DEC on double-wide registers
* LR35902: Simplify pipeline
* LR35902: Implement more LD forms
* GB: Fix writing IE
* LR35902: Implement RET, add missing file
* LR35902: Add CALL and more LD
* GB: Add basic I/O, interrupts and video
* LR35902, GB: Start work on GB core

Download: mGBA Git (2016/02/14)
Source: Here

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