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EmuCR: Project 64Project64 Git (2016/11/23) is compiled. Project 64 is a proprietary Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows. It employs a plug-in system that allows third-party software developers to create their own implementation of a specified component. Project64 allows the user to play Nintendo 64 games on a computer by reading ROM images, either dumped from the read-only memory of a Nintendo 64 cartridge or created directly on the computer as homebrew. Project64 started as an exercise by Jabo and zilmar in an attempt to see if they were capable of programming a Nintendo 64 emulator. It's open source now.

Project64 Git Changelog:
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/project64/project64
* Merge pull request #1221 from Frank-74/patch-6
Fix last rom not highlighted.
* Fix last rom not highlighted.
Fixes #1157.
* Merge pull request #1220 from Frank-74/patch-5
Fix ROM name displayed if save doesn't exist.
* Fix ROM name displayed if save doesn't exist.
Fixes #1184
* [Android] Add setting for Pre alloc sync memory
* [Android] Add Audio logging settings
* [Android] Create support window for android
* [Project64] Add game list setting page
* [Android] Add UI for game speed
* [Android] Add speed option to java bridge
* [Project64] Enable ABL as default on android
* [Project64] Update code for abl code
* [Project64] implement CArmRecompilerOps::COP0_CO_TLBWR
* [Project64] update CArmRecompilerOps::SPECIAL_SLT
* [Project64] Update CArmRecompilerOps::SPECIAL_XOR
* [Project64] update CArmRecompilerOps::SPECIAL_SUB
* [Project64] Update CArmRecompilerOps::SPECIAL_JALR
* [Project64] Update CArmRecompilerOps::SPECIAL_JR
* [Project64] Implement a case for CArmRecompilerOps::BEQ_Compare
* [Project64] Add pre op check before an op
* [Project64] Add case in CArmRecompilerOps::LWC1
* [Project64] Implement void CArmRecompilerOps::SW()
* [Android] implement CArmRecompilerOps::LW
* [Project64] Add CArmRecompilerOps::LB_KnownAddress
* [Project64] Implement CArmRecompilerOps::LUI
* [Project64] Make more functions private in CArmRecompilerOps
* [Project64] Update logging in CArmRegInfo::Map_GPR_32bit
* [Project64] Add CArmRegInfo::operator==
* [Project64] Add CArmRegInfo::UnProtectGPR
* [Project64] Add LogRegisterState when no registers available
* [Project64] Keep Arm_R11 for temp reg
* [Project64] Add more variable to map and fix reg for GPR variable
* [Project64] Add CArmRegInfo::VariableMapName
* [Project64] fix CArmRecompilerOps::ADDI
* [Project64] WriteBack_GPR instead of unmap
* [Project64] Update CArmRecompilerOps::JAL
* [Project64] Update CArmRecompilerOps::BLEZ_Compare
* Update CArmRecompilerOps::BEQ_Compare
* [Project64] Update CArmRecompilerOps::BNE_Compare
* Remove CDebugSettings from CArmRecompilerOps
* [Projec64] Fix CArmOps::MoveConstToArmReg to use compress value
* [Project64] Fix CArmOps::SetJump20 for negative
* [Project64] Get CArmOps::MoveConstToArmReg to work in IT block
* [Project64] Update CArmOps::SubConstFromArmReg to have source and dest reg
* [Project64] Add ArmBreakPoint
* [Project64] Add CArmOps::ProgressItBlock
* [Project64] Add comment to StoreArmRegToArmRegPointer
* [Project64] Add CArmOps::SubArmRegFromArmReg
* [Project64] Add CArmOps::StoreArmRegToArmRegPointer
* [Project64] Add CArmOps::OrConstToVariable
* [Project64] Add CArmOps::OrConstToArmReg
* [Project64] Add CArmOps::MoveArmRegToVariable
* [Project64] Add comment to LoadArmRegPointerToArmReg
* [Project64] Add LoadArmRegPointerByteToArmReg
* [Project64] Fix up usage of AndArmRegToArmReg
* [Project64] Add second source to AndArmRegToArmReg
* [Project64] Add AndConstToArmReg
* [Projec64] Add AndConstToVariable
* [Project64] Rename ArmBranchCompare to ArmCompareType
* [Android] Add CArmOps::IfBlock
* [Android] Add another case to ThumbCompressConst
* [Project64] Add memtest to project64 core
* [Projec64] Add some more arm exception handlers
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/project64/project64
* [Project64] Add some more speed options to fps limitor
* [Project64] Some code clean up of x86RecompilerOps.cpp
* [Project64] Add Setting for Setting_PreAllocSyncMem
* [Project64] Make CArmRecompilerOps friend to CMipsMemoryVM
* Add Recent Roms
* [Android] Fix warning in NotificationClass.cpp

Download: Project64 Git (2016/11/23) x86
Download: Project64 Git (2016/11/23) x64

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