DOSBox SVN r4049 is released. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with sound, graphics, mouse, joystick, modem, etc., necessary for running many old MS-DOS games that simply cannot be run on modern PCs and operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and FreeBSD. However, it is not restricted to running only games. In theory, any MS-DOS or PC-DOS (referred to commonly as "DOS") application should run in DOSBox, but the emphasis has been on getting DOS games to run smoothly, which means that communication, networking and printer support are still in early development.
DOSBox also comes with its own DOS-like command prompt. It is still quite rudimentary and lacks many of the features found in MS-DOS, but it is sufficient for installing and running most DOS games.
DOSBox SVN Changelog:
Fix bug 467.
Implement waiting for retrace in VBE functions. Remove range checks in protected mode functions, consistent with UniVBE and other VBE implementations. Fixes hang and graphics glitches in Jack Orlando.
Process repeated reset commands without delay. Fixes MPU detection in several games. Correct ACK for reset: entirely absent with dumb setting (mpu401=uart), and also absent when returning to intelligent mode from UART mode.
Point DOS redirected interrupts at a plain IRET as in real DOS. Prevents erroneous detection of an active debugger, which for example fixes sound in Microleague Football 2.
Download: DOSBox SVN r4049
Source: Here
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