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EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsCxbx Reloaded Git (2017/11/15) is compiled. Cxbx-Reloaded is an emulator for running Microsoft Xbox (and eventually, Chihiro) games on Microsoft Windows. The project began life as a fork of Cxbx with added 64-bit support. Work is currently underway to backport some of the improvements from Dxbx. Cxbx-Reloaded is still pretty unstable, don't expect it to run much at this point.

Cxbx Reloaded Git Changelog:
* Add some error checking
* Cleanup unused code/patches.
We don't normally remove patches, only comment them out, but these no longer compile due to the supporting CxbxMountUtilityDrive being removed completely.
I thought it best to clean up properly.
* When an invalid partition table is detected, format/fix it.
This fixes compatibility with previous versions of Cxbx-Reloaded, that created an invalid partition table.
* Cache partitions now work as expected, with Format/Mount functions unpatched.
Note: This requires all PartitionX.bin files within %AppData%\Cxbx-Reloaded\EmuDisk\ to be deleted before this branch is executed. After this, it will work as expected without the need to do this again in the future.
There may be a way to auto-detect if we need to do this, and manually update the partition table... Will update if possible.
* More titles are starting to work again, Turok Evolution is happy now!
* Turok get slightly further now, but still doesn't boot properly.
* Filesystem improvements
Turok still isn't happy.
* More HDD work
Jet Set Radio boots again, and sucessfully selects a (different) cache partition to use based on the last used partition in the partition table.
Turok evolution still refuses to start.
* Working towards unpatched partition functions.
This is one of the few IOCTLs required for dashupdate.xbe

Download: Cxbx Reloaded Git (2017/11/15)
Source: Here

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