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EmuLinker-K v0.15.0 is released. EmuLinker-K is a server that uses the Kaillera protocol to facilitate online multiplayer for emulators. EmuLinker-K is a Kotlin rewrite of EmulinkerSF, with an emphasis on measuring and improving performance, patching security and privacy vulnerabilities, and adding useful features for both server owners and users. EmuLinker-K is maintained by nue.

EmuLinker-K changelog:
A new /fps command for games that run at lower frame rates.
Some titles like MK64 do not send controller inputs to the server 60 times per second, instead sending only 30 times per second or less. In a game chat you can now type /fps 30 to tell the server to measure lag calibrated to 30 times per second instead of the default 60. Using /lagstat will then work as expected.
Updates to /lagstat.
The format and measurements in the output to the /lagstat command have been improved to reduce confusion. Lagstat will also tell you the amount of time over which it has been measuring the lag, taking into account resets.
If the server decides there is noticeable lag, it will now suggest an action to take to improve the situation, including suggesting a fake ping amount for a specific player to use.
The command output is currently only in English for now, but is planned to be fixed in the next release.
Fixes a bug where the server could report the wrong frame delay in some situations.
It was a rounding error and only a display bug. It did not impact gameplay.
Updated to use Ktor 3 and Kotlin 2.1
More robust testing was done to accurately simulate a high volume of realistic clients, and this build was found to be marginally more performant than the previous version.
When the server shuts down via ./stop-server.sh, it will reliably inform all users that they are being kicked from the server
Server more reliably notifies players in the server when shutting down.
Important note for server admins:
If the primary language of your server is not English, you should check the value of emulinker.charset in conf/emulinker.cfg to make sure that it is correct for your language and primary emulator client. If non-English characters are not showing up correctly you probably need to update this. The config file emulinker.cfg should also be saved as UTF-8, no matter what locale you are using. Most older clients will not be directly compatible with UTF-8 so you will need to choose something more specific like Shift_JIS (for Japanese).
Pull Requests
Fix ping rounding bug by @hopskipnfall in #137
Add /fps command to measure lag for games that don't run at 60FPS by @hopskipnfall in #138
Move to ktor 3 and kotlinx-io by @hopskipnfall in #146
Update formatter and other deps by @hopskipnfall in #147
Increase version length for master server list to 30, enforce bounds on /fps command by @hopskipnfall in #148
Remove some dead code, fix logger error message on launch. by @hopskipnfall in #149

Download: EmuLinker-K v0.15.0
Source: Here

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