WinVICE r45471 is released. WinVICE is a program that executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).
WinVICE Changelog:
r45471 | gpz | 2025-02-02 21:22:56 +0000 (Sun, 02 Feb 2025) | 1 line
added support for the 'Profi-DOS' cartridge by REX Datentechnik. Thanks to SubZero for providing the cartridge over 15 years ago >_<
r45470 | gpz | 2025-02-02 18:20:13 +0000 (Sun, 02 Feb 2025) | 1 line
disable debug output
r45469 | rhialto | 2025-01-31 21:44:29 +0000 (Fri, 31 Jan 2025) | 5 lines
Another case of PET empty space reading.
Fix a confusing case of the size of the "I/O peek through" for the 8096 expansion. Add some comments why.
Fix access to 8800-8FFF colour memory from the Vice monitor in the case of ColourPET.
r45468 | rhialto | 2025-01-28 20:21:31 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jan 2025) | 2 lines
Oops, fix previous. We want to see the value from the CRTC.
r45467 | rhialto | 2025-01-28 20:14:43 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jan 2025) | 15 lines
Also return empty space on E80x.
I found a test program that cares about this:
8032.mem.prg from
It tests the 64K memory expansion and wants to see empty space at E800 if the
"I/O peek through" is enabled:
.C:096d A9 CC LDA #$CC ; enabled; i/o peek though; bank 3 and 1; no w/p
.C:096f 8D F0 FF STA $FFF0
.C:0972 85 00 STA $00
.C:0974 AD 00 E8 LDA $E800 ; I/O area but no chip selected
.C:0977 C9 E8 CMP #$E8
.C:0979 F0 07 BEQ $0982
Download: GTK3VICE r45471
Source: Here
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